Loving a sociopath is
a surreal world of confusion.
A fall down the rabbit hole into hell.
There’s the Mad Hatter, the Red Queen,
and seemingly, no way out.
Loving a sociopath says a lot about what great people we are because, sociopaths, con artists target amazing people. They have to because after all, they need us to survive. They need our high-octane goodness to hold up their lives. Loving a sociopath or a narcissist is an illusion in hell.
Antisocial psychopaths, narcissistic users, and predators are parasites. Parasites, in general, are living things, that live off of others. In order to do this, they do need a strong host. An amazing human, like you.
Sociopath, Psychopath and Call Them a Narcissist
Call them narcissists if you want to, or call them dirt-bags, that’s even better.
Whatever you call them, they’re still jackals, snake-like predators who hunt, seek, and ensnare beautiful-normal commitment-minded men and women who bring a lot to the table.
“Narcs” or “narcissists” are in fact – sociopaths behaviorally and as we experience them within these entrapments.
If you feel confused, sense that you’re being lied to, feel like you aren’t sure what’s happening, and sometimes wonder where they are…Think of them as sociopaths, pathological parasitic predator.
Go beyond the idea
that they want to control you…
There’s more to it than this – and surprisingly, much less.
Be free.
Leeches, Roaches, Jackals, and Rats
Predators are roaches, flies, mosquitoes, ticks, lice, rats, jackals, vulture, scavengers and bloodsuckers who hide and sneak and who can’t function, exist or survive without us to eat off of. We’re the strong ones. There’s nothing wrong with us. There’s everything right with you. And, everything wrong with them.
A sociopath needs us to prop up and propel their fake and sickening, weak lives forward. They need good people who will stand by them and defend them when their past hits the fan, as it always, always does.
How Do Sociopaths Choose Their Prey?
We’re our own heroes. We’re our own angels. Loving a sociopath or what you might call a narcissist is a crash-and-burn expedition into hell. Only if we’re brave enough it’s a rise-again course in human nature and the nature of evil.
After recovery life can be a bowl of cherries again. Really. It takes time. The same thing that ensnares us sets us free: our great goodness.
We’ve been scouted by a ruthless-being-of-deception-and-cruelty. We’ve been scooped up in a net-of-many. We’re used for our stellar human qualities.
We’re absolutely amazing women and men. The thing is we’re wired to be trusting, kind, generous, faithful, and to feel and to care.
There’s little difference between a narcissist, a sociopath, and a psychopath. And if we think we love one, we’re in for trauma, loss, grief, and worse.
Loving a Sociopath Means We’re Awesome Humans: Sociopaths Need Strong People to Survive
The very nature of our Super-Hero-Awesome is aligned with what a sociopath needs. He wants us because we’re so together, loving, and loyal. Sociopaths look for prey who have hyper-empathy, invest in relationships, and have high levels of trust and loyalty.
Remember, when we come in contact with a predatory person and find them appealing, or are attracted to them – the trajectory of harm is set. That’s why it’s our job to know what a sociopath is. To side-step them, to disarm their love-bombing ways, stay who we are, and spread the word.
The bottom line is, these gorgeous aspects within us are what sociopath needs to survive, and they’re the very same traits that we use to recover. We are our own Super Heroes. We truly are our own Angels. Be sure to take our own empathy and compassion and turn these towards ourselves. Embrace our own amazing lives just as we are!
Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!
Time to Thrive!
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© 2014 – 2023 All Rights Reserved True Love Scam Recovery www.truelovescam.com
2015_02_15 2022_10_12
Loving a Sociopath – Good women and good men fall for these monsters. https://t.co/V80nOf11JR via @truelovescam
It’s too hard to read anymore he he he he he he he, I’m a male and was severely tortured by HER, and with all that’s gone on especially since 2009 maybe later, don’t you think it’s time to let the gender bias go, I sure do. The articles are great, but have gotten to the point I’m just frustrated because of the bias and can’t even concentrate on what I’m reading, as with CPTSD because of HER, and what SHE did to me, including constantly second guessing myself in the most seemingly simple decisions, and concentrating on something I’m reading, as it is, and I’m just not willing to read the same thing 4 or 5 times anymore. So, sorry if I sound mean, but I”m truly fed up with the gender bias, as it’s not hard to write s/he
We all know there are female sociopaths. It is mentioned repeatedly here in this website and on others. Female sociopaths scam both men and women. Male sociopaths scam both men and women. There are female/female true love scams. And male/male true love scams. And male/female true love scams. Statistically there are more (recognized) male sociopaths than female sociopaths – but that matters exactly zero. A sociopath is a sociopath is a sociopath. It sounds like you may not be getting the kind of healing support you could get… Are you reframing? Have you done any kind of body work or seen a specifically classical homeopathic doctor? Have you gone to a Restorative Yoga class…? Maybe try EMDR…? All-body-and-being support is highly recommended. Our bodies/brains have 3 centers of healing – all of them need to be tended to. Glad you like the writing — it is simply writing. This “bias” about s/he, he, she, him/her seems to be your main point. I believe you’ve commented on this before…? In answer to this: Yes, I am female and was conned by a male sociopath – and yes, my writing is: My Writing. In other words: An author writes what they wish to write – and a reader can chose what they read. I won’t be offended if you can’t read anymore “he”. Please don’t let such a thing defeat your healing. Strive on. — For centuries since the beginning of the written word to this very millesecond women insert “she” as appropriate while reading anything and everything because all general writing is written from the pronoun “he.” (Not to mention translating: policeman, mailman, assemblyman, postman, fireman, congressman, chairman, etc., ad infinitum.) “he/she” or “s/he” looks sloppy, trips up the eye and reading ease, muddles the power of the message, destroys beautiful turns of phrase, and takes up character space for word counts, and in many formats a “/” is not allowable. — Sorry if I sound mean – but – buck up. If women can translate “he” since the first days we learn to read – surely you can translate “she” or “he” as needed. I have every confidence in your ability. — I
d like to make sure you know about this one male author on sociopath true love scams. S/he has a website and FB page – not sure which pronoun s/he predominately uses – but check him/her out https://afternarcissisticabuse.wordpress.com/
Their FB is here: https://www.facebook.com/After-Narcissistic-Abuse-There-is-Light-Life-Love-114835348601442/?fref=ts
Loving a Sociopath https://t.co/cTOr9gW4cB via @truelovescam