Category Archives: A SOCIOPATH IS

Dating a Sociopath: Feeling Crazy

Dating a sociopath feels like
an episode of American Horror Story.
The reality is, it happens in real life.
Wondering if we’re crazy is a sure sign
we’re dating a sociopath or a narcissistic user.

Dating a sociopath aka dating a narcissist can only lead one place. There’s a surreal feeling you can’t shake. That horrifying feeling that the world has dropped from beneath your feet. And thinking you’re losing you’re mind… asking, am I crazy?

You can feel in a double-bind of “crazy” crazy dating a sociopath because horror-of-all-horrors, you just might feel that you still love them even though they’ve done horrific things. Even with the lies and all their narcissistic behavior.

We’re Perfectly Normal

It’s normal and natural human to think maybe… we ask in a tiny moment, in a tiny part of our mind,  Am I crazy!? And what the heck, like a normal person this thought would stem from the fact art they took the time to tell us we’re crazy!

But remember…? They lie. That narcissist (if you’re still calling them that) or that sociopath you’re dating loves to tell all their prey that they’re crazy.

Dating a Sociopath Make Us Feel Crazy

We’re not crazy, we’re just discovering we’re ensnared by what’s called a sociopath or person with an antisocial personality disorder. And it’s okay if you call them a narcissist.

It’s true that we’re feeling crazy because we’re escaping a sociopath or a narcissist as they’re sometimes called.

How Deeply Do You Want to Recover?

Confusion, Terror, Loss…

The whirlwind of confusion, terror, damage, loss, anger, and ptsd caused by one of these scumbags makes us think we’re crazy.

It’s absolutely normal that after the break up we find ourselves running around calling people, strangers even and asking questions. We’re writing warning notes and emails to women we don’t know. Looking up addresses, sifting through Facebook pages.

Googling Is the Answer

Looking up addresses, sifting through Facebook pages. We might make a fake Facebook account, a fake email to check on those other women, or on him, or her, or them.

No matter what crazy things you do… You’re still not crazy. Not really. Not even if you look into getting a private investigator. Dating a sociopath leaves us thinking everyone’s talking about us. It leaves us feeling absolutely crazy – we are not.

Dating a Sociopath or Narcissist Brings Out a Sense of Crazed

Feeling crazy while dating a narcissist or a sociopath happens. And in fact, it all begins day one. Dating a sociopath gets crazier and confusion escalates from there. It all spikes and climbs form that first swirling sensation of having found Mr. Beyond Perfect. Right there in the chaos of Ms. Beyond Right.

Next time he says something insulting or provoking: stay silent. Or give an answer that’s not the norm. Maybe something very calmly without hostility, or hurt, or anger like: “Well, if that’s how you feel about it, that’s your problem”, and walk away.

As things spin long and we finally get to a place that we have to stop it all, we’re in for more crazy. This is because unfortunately, the worst time of feeling like maybe we’re crazy is when it’s over. It’s all a result of being lied to unknowingly, deceived unknowingly and then: suddenly knowing it.

Dating a sociopath leaves us feeling crazy as we begin to realize something’s wrong. And we feel still crazier after we come to a pretty firm realization, this person I’m dating is nuts. – Maybe at this point, we’ve heard the words sociopath or narcissist.

Crazy We Are Not: Crazy They Are

Even still, we are not crazy. (But they sure are.) Feeling crazy is the natural reaction and physiological result of being involved with a liar. But no, crazy we are not.

I guarantee you’ll feel more and more un-crazy the more purposeful and deliberately you come out of the emotional spin and into a way of looking at things that resolves the crazy. As we get further away from them and more into the truth crazy diminishes and they do too.

5 Signs They Are the Crazy One

Sign Number One

A sure sign that we’re dating Mr. Nut-So is when they lose it and call us names. This is so whether it’s done to our face or in the smear campaign. Narcissists who are really sociopaths love to call us things like, crazy, psycho, stalker, idiot, evil, devil, whore, liar, cheater and other delightful things.

He’s doing this because he’s afraid. Yes. They are afraid of us. Because they need us. – We do not need them in any way though it might feel like it. If they know were suspecting they’re up to something the anger and name-calling come out.

Once they know their cover is blown the rage at this shows up in scenarios that inspire our intimidation and shame. They rage and then slap that nice-face back in place before we see too much of the sociopath behind the mask. The narcissist and the sociopath have an intense fear of losing their grip on us.

Crazy Comes For Deception and Lies: The Other Women

We’re lied to about anything under the sun. Frequently one of the first lies we start to suspect is the lie about “other women”. We feel like there’s something going on, there’s someone else… things are just not right.

We feel – and know – that it isn’t us they’re into. Bizarrely this can draw us more deeply into wanting them and into wanting the narcissistic sociopath we’re dating to want us.

Here’s What They Think:

“To draw you closer, an aura of desirability is created—of being wanted and courted by many. It will become a point of vanity for you to be the preferred object of their attention, to win them away from a crowd of admirers. They manufacture the illusion of popularity by surrounding themselves with members of the opposite sex: friends, former lovers, and your eventual replacement. Then, they create triangles that stimulate rivalry and raise their perceived value.” – Adapted, “The Art of Seduction” by Robert Greene, Sociopaths and Triangulation

Answers, Truth, Resolve, Restore

Recovery for narcissistic abuse Jennifer Smith

Narcissistic abuse recovery sessions.
Skills to understand and heal PTSD.
Gain freedom forever from predators.
Read about healing here.

Sociopaths and Narcissists are Predictable

The sociopath uses a few standard tactics to keep us spinning. One Huge-O-Horrible one is: he’ll talk about another woman who is better than we are, who loves him better, who understands him more,  and how bad we are by comparison.

This is called triangulation. It keeps us wanting to make him happy. It keeps us wanting to prove we’re good enough, better than her, (or them) and he should love us.

The real truth is: She’s not having any fun either, or soon won’t be. He’s going to take her (and all of them) through the five stages of true love scam as well. And… by now we know the truth about sociopaths’ sex lives don’t we…?

Vanity Has Nothing To Do With It

I don’t believe for one second this extra crazy-making losing has anything to do with vanity. There’s a certain aspect built into the bones and DNA of a pathological user (a sociopath).

Dating a sociopath is something people fall into due to their innate over the top effect and magnetism over the people who admire, or like, or feel they love them. This effect naturally leaves us feeling crazy.

Additionally, it’s natural to bond and to try to make things work. We’re not looking for someone to be lying or deceiving us; we’re looking to make things work.

Humans Need Validation and Praise

“When praised highly by others, one feels that there is no hardship one cannot bear. Such is the courage that springs from words of praise. …When praised, one does not consider one’s personal risk, and when criticized, one can recklessly cause one’s own ruin. Such is the way of common mortals.”  – The True Aspect of All Phenomenon, Nichiren Daishonin

Confusion is a Sign of Dating a Narcissist aka Sociopath

Sign Number Two

The things he says make us confused. – Because the things he says are confusing. They don’t make logical sense. They aren’t expressing genuine emotions or thoughts or many genuine ideas.

There are things we can learn to decipher and decode the sociopath or narcissist we’re dating. We can come to comprehend everything the sociopath does and says so that we aren’t bamboozled but can break free.

Feeling Inexplicably Not-Happy Signals an Abnormal Relationship

Sign Number Three

A definite sign of dating a sociopath or dating a narcissist comes in this mind-numbing misery. An unquantified, indefinable sense of unhappiness, of uneasiness and sadness.

It is not a sign that we’re crazy to be unhappy with a sociopath – there is no happiness to be had dating a sociopath or dating a narcissist. The emotional confusion and pain a sociopath inspires are subtle and obvious at the same time. It creates complete misery.

Narcissistic abuse recovery True Love Scam Recovery sessions Jennifer Smith

Trust Your Gut

Know that your body is telling us something with this unhappiness. Follow our instincts! Emotions are a symphony of chemical changes in the body. If yours are going up and down like a roller coaster and crashing harder after the drop each time: trust your gut. You’re not crazy. You’re suffering. We all deserve to be happy.

Listen to your intuition. Take some quiet time. Break the patterns with him. Next time he says something insulting or provoking: stay silent. Or give an answer that’s not the norm. Maybe something very calmly without hostility, or hurt, or anger like: well, if that’s how you feel about it, that’s your problem, and walk away. Keep cool.

Reach Out: Talk To and Tell People Who Love Us

Neon Sign Number Five

We feel afraid to tell people what’s happening. This is another effect of the sociopath’s spellbinding. The way we feel is so mixed up, and we’re afraid to get him in trouble or to make him mad and… maybe we’re just crazy.

Let’s stop that train wreck of post-trauma emotions turning into mistaken thoughts and ideas right there. The sociopath has a built-in effect on other humans; they scare us naturally with no effort on their part. This is an effect we’re going to feel for a long time even after he’s out the door and the lock has been changed.

We’ll go through trauma and post-trauma which is fear and doubt and confusion and feeling crazy. It is another illusion of their effect and the natural response to the deceit and falsehood they are. Know this… It will get easier.

We Try to Resolve Things & Take Responsibility

Tell-Tale Sign Number Five

Let’s say we still think maybe we’re crazy. Here – for fun and educational purposes is a test. A test to take to determine if we’re a sociopath. (Ha. We are so not.) Just a few easy questions that will fly by in a minute or two. Notice the questions. Notice the answers on the far end of the spectrum that indicate someone is a sociopath. Not such a fine list of traits.

Sociopath Test

Memorize the 20 characteristics of a sociopath, if you see one of these characteristics they’re likely all there. Reframe every nuance of interaction with him or with her through this lens. Set ourselves free, reframe the nightmare of dating a sociopath or a narcissist. Find your way back to happy.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

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As a certified coach upholding ICF standards and ethics, I strive to inform, educate, co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. We decide what winning is. We win.

 Mental Health News Radio Network
Interview, 2017

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Affiliate links are in every True Love Scam Recovery article. Clicks on these links provide minor compensation to keep the site running. and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you.

2019_12_21 2021_01_11

What Do Con Men Look For?

Are we magnets for them?
Do we attract them?
The answer is that they’re predators.
They have to find dinner or die.

Girl looking for love: what con men look for

The question, what do con men look for? is one I’m asked a lot and often, especially at speaking engagements.

Frequently this question comes from young women in their college years or early career days, wanting to avoid dating a monster.

These beautiful young women want a future with a great career, a family and a great man and they have every right to it. It is possible. And In truth, so many of us need the answer to this zillion dollar question.

You can learn to sort the nuts from the normal before their venomous coercive control takes us over. And rest assured, there are many, many amazing young men and women, heterosexual, gay, nonbinary, trans and all combinations of people on the planet to meet, love and marry.

What would it mean to you
to take your life back?

What Do Con Men Look For?

Knowing what con men look for is critical nowadays. You can consider this burgeoning cultural either a sad thing or a fantastic opportuntiy. This depends on how you look at it gaining a deeper understanding of life on this earth and the human beings who live here.

Our protection is found in our accepting that they exist, and in a deliberately gained ability to recognize them by how we feel around them or because of them and by what they do and say.

Realizing that people of coercive control, predators, pathological liars, and users exist is a good thing sincae, afterall, these cone men do exist.

They’ve been here since the beginning of time, and only those who know how to recognize them are immune or safe from being entrapped. Why they’re here is another question. But, they are.

Con Men Look For Amazing: Amazing and Normal

What do con men look for? It’s important to know what con men look for and how to recognize them. First and foremost they look at anyone and everyone as prey. Secondly, the person they ensnare is the one who “clicks”.

The first one locked-in on any given day is their ideal prey. They need new people constantly and love to hang on to the old ones they’ve got in their harem. I realize this is very general and at the same time, it’s a lot. Let me explain this bit here and then get on to specifics. Let me define some of the words I’m using.

Definitions in the World Of the Con

Prey: Prey can be any person. Anyone who meets the predator and feels an attraction to them is sucked in. Prey embark on what we believe is a relationship with the predator and naturally assume a predator is a normal person too.

Predator: Often thought of solely in terms of preying upon someone sexually, let’s expand our understanding to include more reality. A predator is that pathological person who lives their life living off of others in every way imaginable and mostly in ways we could never imagine.

They use others for sex, money, food, clothing, shelter, to appear like a good or popular or trustworthy person by association, for an address to use, to hide behind, for drugs, as someone to be left holding the bag on rent, car payments, credit card bills and more. They know that they do this and like doing this while trying to hide that they are doing this – because they know normal people don’t agree with it.

Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

Two Elements of the Con

Coercive Control: This is a term, coercive control used to describe the kind of insidious take-over of the prey by the predator. From a legal standpoint, it’s forcing, coercing someone to do things against their will with threats, insults… Emotional and physical abuse.

From our experimental standpoint, how and when does coercive control set in? How does it come to the point that we do what they say? We’re not dumb, or sheep… So what is it?!

 You’re going to feel so much better.
Lightbulbs and breakthroughs.

The Pied Piper is a Sociopath

The person who is preyed upon (us) is under a spell. This point is missed within the legal definition. You could say we’re hypnotized, or injected with some kind of mind-numbing venom that overtakes their normal self and common sense.

If this hasn’t happened to you, this sounds impossible and like a weak excuse for bad choices and just ridiculous. It isn’t. – If this has happened to you, you know this as the sickening, surreal truth.

Lying Due to the Wiring in Their Brain: When Real is Made Up

Pathological Liar: This is a person who due lies due to the way their mind works, literally due to their brain biology. They can’t not li. Sociopaths lie about all things. Lying is a reality to them. Real is made up. They believe their lies and know they’re lying at the same time. Therefore, they believe anyone’s lies. Including ours.

This is key in getting away from them. You can lie to them. They’ll look at you with a weird look, questioning what you’ve said. They do know it’s a lie.

But hold your ground, the next millisecond they shift straight into action based on the lie you told as if the lie is the truth. They can’t help it. Lies are real to them and reality is made up. In other words, everything is lies, and lies are real… This is how every sociopath thinks.

Con Men Look For the Same Thing Con Women Look For

Now for some details… Any pathological predator is looking for someone who is kind, friendly, outgoing, or shy and reserved. A con man looks for people who believe in love, or are skeptical and wary of people.

A con artist (using the term artist very loosely here) wants someone who is resilient, giving, loyal, adventurous, trustworthy and means what they say.

If we’re hooked, within moments and hours of meeting them we begin to change our thinking, and to do things we’d never otherwise do.

Con men look for someone who is true to their word. They like people who have goals and a life going on. They target people who’ve had loss or failure. People who have not met their dreams or just as often, people who have fulfilled many dreams. They like very happy confident people. They just need people. Any and every person will do.

This is just a beginning and I realize this isn’t much in the way of specific detail. And that’s the point. Con men look for normal people with normal dreams, desires, loss, gain, successes, hope, longing and everything else that is normal. And yes, this is pretty much all of us.

Knowing Sets Us Free

I know most people don’t realize this or believe this, but: there’s nothing specific or particular about any one of us that makes us more or less vulnerable to being sucked in by a pathological predator or someone who’s survival is found in their coercive control of others.

Our protection is found in our accepting that they exist and in a deliberately gained ability to recognize them by how we feel around them or because of them and by what they do and say.

How to Avoid a Con Man

The way to avoid a con man monster before any entanglement can begin is first by engaging the willingness to accept that they exist. The next thing to put into action is your gut instincts. Following your true gut instincts is key in spotting and avoiding one of these beasts. The nuances of how we feel when we meet a con man are the most use of all.

If you feel the following things, stop contact with this new person immediately for your safety.

  • Feeling like you absolutely cannot believe you met someone so amazing.
  • This person is more amazing than you ever imagined someone could be.
  • Or, not being especially into them, but over a few weeks, you decide they’re great.
  • Or, you can’t understand why other people don’t like them, they seem okay.
  • Wanting to make this work really, really badly and right away.
  • Putting aside your life to make sure you’re a couple like now.
  • Letting go of things for yourself to do things for them or for you as a couple.
  • Overriding your beliefs, limits, or expectations to accommodate or to be with them.

You’ll Be So Excited and Putting Yourself Aside

This might sound ridiculous if you haven’t had one of these encounters with a coercive controlling predator. Especially this last point. We all feel we know what we expect in relationship dynamics. And we’re secure in knowing “who we are”, in our values, and our morals.

Under the Spell, We Do Things Without Being Asked

But: people of coercive control don’t ask people to give up their beliefs or their kids. It happens of our own accord. A predator has an uncanny power of influence.

Something indefinable has us shift our thinking to accommodate them. It’s something that emanates for them like invisible penetrating smoke. This elicits emotions by their very presence. It’s the hook. It happens in seconds. Within moments and hours of meeting them we begin to change…to do things we’d never otherwise do.

What Con Men Look For is Anyone: We Can Spot Them

We can see them for what they are. This is found in our response to them that is over the top and not what a normal attraction feels like.

Even if this is your first relationship, if you feel anxiety underneath the excitement, back off. Let it go. Step away. Either you aren’t ready or this is very much the wrong person.

 There are answers to it all.

When There’s Lots of Bad Buzz

So, please, if you repeatedly hear bad things about this person from other people you know and trust and who care about you, trust what the other people are saying. Always leave lots of space between when you first meet someone, and when and how often you see them.

Keep up with your own goals, studies, social things with your friends. Hold onto your own self and things you love to do. Please, don’t compromise what you believe, such as when to have sex or what kind of sex to have for anyone. Ever.

Signs of a Predator: Identical Every Time

We can learn the signs to recognize them on the spot or within a few hours’ time. Yes! We can. And then: they got nothin’ because their “success” is solely dependent on our lack of awareness. Contrary to popular belief, that’s as smart as they get.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

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Have a listen: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

SD Voyager interview

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As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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Affiliate links are in every True Love Scam Recovery article. Clicks on these links provide minor compensation to keep the site running. and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Recovery Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you.

2019_07_19 2023_01_30

The Sociopath Effect: Power of Influence

We all know the pull and draw.
We feel ourselves over-reach, jump all-in, and wonder at it.
Then conclude it’s all part of being swept off our feet.
And indeed it is. But… why does it happen?
Let’s find out exactly why.

Power of Influence: We’ve All Got it, We’re All Affected by It

We all have a power of influence; we each and all affect people around us. We’re not usually aware of how we affect other people, but we’ve all been aware at some time or another that others affect or influence us, which results in a particular emotional effect or response within us.

Absolutely anyone can be ensnared by this unseen aspect and quality of a life-stealing pathological predator.

sociopath recovery from narcissistic abuse heal ptsd coercive control

What I call the sociopath effect is in reference to that intangible pull that is the predominant element that draws us to them. It’s an invisible “something” that instantly grabs us in.

That thing we call charisma, charm, that thing… that inexplicable power of influence is inherent in every sociopath. In other words, it isn’t a “skill”, it’s just there. This is what I’m calling the sociopath effect. – I’d say it’s what we think of as coercive control.

What is recovered for you?

Untouchable, Invisible, but With a Power of Influence

So how can something intangible, invisible… something you can’t see, hear, smell, touch or taste affect us enough that we fall (walk, run, dance happily as if we just won the lottery) into this kind of trap? Well, because things that don’t reach the physical senses do reach other senses. Really. There are entire systems based on this reality. Let’s think of it in other scenarios.

How about relating to regular people in general… or meeting a new person. We get a vibe, yah? I imagine we’ve all had the experience of realizing some people make others feel good when they’re around. Maybe you’re one of thsoe people… There can be something about some of us that makes other people feel at ease or uplifted in their presence. There are other people who aren’t so fun to have around; they might be the last on the party invite list because, well, they’re kind of a downer. – We all have a power of influence.

We Feel All Day Long: It’s a Part of Our Survival

Everywhere we go all day, there’s a “vibe”, or influence we feel from the people around us and fomr the physical spaces we walk into. Whether when we encounter a new person, or walk into an apartment we’re thinking of renting, a house we’re considering buying, a gym, a church, or even into a restaurant, we have a “feeling”. Thse things translate into what we “like” or “don’t like”. You could think of it as a kind of protection.

Someone who is a pathological parasitic predator, that monster we call a sociopath or a “narcissist”, has a stronger more intense, deeper effect on people than others. It’s a natural, wired-in part of their survival… but we’ll get to that.

First, let’s recognize that an invisible, untouchable, formless, tasteless “feeling” sends us a signal. Can you recall how meeting someone, or walkign into a new neighoborhood park a thought popped into your mind, like: “Ah, I like this place.” Or maybe, “Hmmm, I’m not wild about this place.” Those thoughts are the result of a feeling that our bodies process into an idea or appraisal. The deal is, we might not realize that first there was a “feeling” or “vibe” that inspired hte conclusion or thought.

We Don’t Always Realize We’re Being Influenced

Every person or place or thing has a power of influence. Some is seemingly mild, like that shy kid who sits in the back of the room and no one notices. Or the happy guy who always smiles and waves. We all know the power of influence of celebrities.

Walking into that new restaurant, maybe we can recognize what it is we like or dislike about the space. As an example, I for one, don’t feel comfortable inside restaurants that cover the walls with mirrors.

Don’t know why that is, it just is for me. The feelings we feel about a restaurant, and about people around us in a response to them, are drawn out of our own life

Discomfort in mirrored rooms doesn’t apply to every single person, some might really like the feeling of mirrors while they eat dinner. The discomfort around mirrors while I eat is inside me. It’s a condition in my life, based on me as a person… my own life experiences, beliefs, and thoughts that make “me” be me.

Humans Have Similar Responses to Influences

There are some things we nearly all respond to in the same way. Most of us enjoy a sunset for its beauty. Most of us would respond with feelings of pleasant surprise and some excitement if we were to receive an unexpected and hefty tax refund

This is what coercive control is: unseen, not felt at all int he beginning as anything other than amazing. This is why it’s so hard to break away.

Other things affect us each a bit differently and vary depending on our immediate circumstances or inner conditions such as our likes, dislikes, and our dreams, or hopes; even our sense of failures or disappointments in life.

Without getting too complicated, let’s look at a simple scenario describing our responses as they vary depending on us, our life, and our in-the-moment situation.

The Influence of a Predator: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

Our Response To Others Is Rooted In Our Own Life Experiences and Beliefs

Our life at the moment that we encounter something determines the response we have to that person, place, or thing.

Mood and internal “life condition” or life-state in general, and in specific, along with our actual circumstances at the moment all fall into how we respond, or how we feel the power of influence from whatever it is we encounter.

We all have a power of influence; all people, places and things have an effect or an influence on us and on others. That’s normal.

As a way to look at this, let’s say we come across a tiny puppy wandering around the parking lot of the Trader Joe’s we just pulled into. The sweet little-thing is rambling anxiously between and under cars sniffing at the ground; poochie looks lost, and scared, and hungry. We can see that it has no collar on. What happens to us?

We Feel Unease and an Underlying Disturbance

Curiosity awakens. We’re feeling bad. We might worry. Our emotions, these feelings inspired by the lost, little doggy, might form into words in our head, or even out loud we might say, “Oh, my goodness! This dog is lost!”

And unless we’re scared of dogs or super allergic, or just really, really don’t like dogs – and probably even if we don’t, especially like dogs – we instinctively feel emotions that compel us to take action on the doggie’s behalf.

Depending on other factors in our life, and our circumstances, we “do something.” That “something” varies depending on us, and our momentary life situation.

It Goes Like This

For example, if we have our baby in the car, and our three-year-old holding our hand, we probably do not approach the dog or follow it around the parking lot trying to help it.

This doesn’t mean we aren’t concerned deeply about the pooch, but other factors, more critical things, such as the care and safety of our babies take precedence over going after the lost dog.

Breaking Up With Evil

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

Told in their own words, they leave nothing unsaid. Find validation and see new glimpses of the truth as they share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

Both eBook and Paperback

If We’re Preoccupied

If on the other hand, we see that lost doggie, but we’re in heels and a skirt, and on our way to a business appointment immediately after grabbing a Trader Joe’s ready-made chicken salad sandwich, we might signal the security guard in the parking lot to let him know about the dog, and then trot on in the store

A voyage of crossfading misinformation, pain, self-doubt, and all the other soup of trauma and PTSD for the truth. Decode. Reframe the nightmare. Be free.

We might take a minute to also tell the store manager about Mr. Puppy once we nab that sanny and before stepping in line to pay and get on out to our meeting.

That dog stays on our minds for a while. We’re concerned, but our own life and impending appointment are more significant at that moment… so the influence of the wandering Bowzer takes a back seat.

Depending On the Timing Entrapment Works or Doesn’t

Another scenario could be: We’re on our own, and have lots of time on our hands, our car is parked around the corner in a free-parking zone with no limits.

We’re unfettered, unencumbered, and leisurely with time on our hands and our coin purse and phone in our coat pocket. In this case, we might let the concern and feelings about the dog come to full bloom, compelling us to take an hour coaxing that cute, fuzzy-faced woofer into our arms so we can find its home through a process of other personal efforts.

The little guy in our arms lets us know he appreciates us with licks and tail wagging, that doggy connects and bonds equally with us as we do with him.

Everyone and Everything Has an Effect on Us

We don’t notice all the things affecting us in our surroundings. That would be much-too-much, and completely overwhelming.

It’s a matter of personal issues, circumstances, and even our core beliefs, and personal interests that play into what we notice, and how it affects us, and where that takes us in altering or dictating our response at that moment.

The power of a person: The underwater sensation slowly subsided; my eyes cleared, my vision came into focus and revealed a person. A person on the other side of the room, just walking into produce, and still by the fragrant lemons and limes.

Every person or place or thing has a power of influence. Some is seemingly mild, like that shy kid who sits in the back of the room and no one notices. Or the happy guy who always smiles and waves.

We all know of the power of influence of celebrities, who by the way are humans. Some of us are into some of these idealized humans, and some of us aren’t, but I’ll tell you a quick story about a certain famous person that kind of blew my mind. This illustrates the power of influence.

Power of Influence

True story: One day I was shopping at Whole Foods in Beverly Hills. I was in the produce department, on the far end, with my back to the entrance of this corner of the store.

Sorting through rutabagas and carrots I paused, lifted my head, and then as if in slow motion found myself turning away from the root vegetables. My body led me, my head pivoted first, the rest of me following.

The Effect of Things Around Us Just Is

The underwater sensation slowly subsided; my eyes cleared, my vision came into focus and revealed a person. A person on the other side of the room, just walking into produce near the fragrant lemons and limes.

At the same time, I could half-see and sense that every shopper in the room had turned the same direction I had, as collectively we each and all registered who was standing there: The one and only: Mr. Sydney Portier.

One of the most amazing, kind-hearted, and gorgeous humans on the planet. Famous for his legendary and Oscar-winning films and his generosity as a human being. His autobiography, The Measure of a Man, is moving and memorable.

Now in his 90s, for those who don’t know who this is, please click the links above to get a glimpse. There that day, among the potatoes and parsnips, I was in awe; the entire room was.

Influence Exudes on Its Own Effortlessly

The room was filled with pure wonder; I felt warm, and a kind of joy rise up, and in my case, based on me, who I am as a person, and my own life, I went to speak to him. No one else approached him.

There is no reciprocal bond or interaction with a sociopath. Our brains don’t register this consciously. Our minds and then our bodies respond by being over-concerned and over-solicitous; just as we do with the lost puppy but for very different reasons.

As we chatted, his warmth embraced me and we stood as equals in human exchange. This isn’t because I’m an Oscar winner or a renowned anything. I felt like an equal to Mr. Portier because that’s part of the power of his influence on others. He exudes and extends an embracing, calm warmth of humanism. He imparts dignity towards others.

The room gradually shifted back towards a level of normal activity, but it took a bit. Even now, I can feel that moment when I conjure the memory, I bet others there that day can too.

We all have a “vibe” – A power of influence; all people, places, and things have an effect or an influence on us and on others. That’s normal.

The Sociopath Effect

The stun gun of coercive control is the inherent power of influence that ensnares and binds prey in the blink of an eye. Did you know they don’t have to try? It’s a quality they possess inherently, like our eye color: we’re born with it. Some do hone it.

The sociopath has an uncanny, abnormal, and very strong power of influence. They simply do. It may come from their laser focus on gaining prey.

Their cellular level primal need to hook as many people as possible to add to their resources never leaves them. They need us for legitimacy, respectability, and for basics such as food, sex, places to live, laptops, phones, presidencies, and cash.

Their need for us isn’t casual; it’s literally their survival. And it’s the only way their brains are wired. That’s all that’s inside their noggins and hearts.

The need sociopaths have for us is unbelievable. They’re entirely dependent on hooking us. At all waking moments, they’re singularly focused and determined to do this. This makes for a very powerful pull, an incredibly intense power of influence on those they beam in on.

We Naturally Bond: Reach Out Further Towards Reluctant People

For all that intensity of need for us, sociopaths, however, do not connect “back” as a puppy or Mr. Portier would. They need us like a parasite needs a hot-blooded warm body to live off of.

A sociopath wouldn’t have the innate response to a lost puppy that we do or to another person as we do. Their “connecting” is entirely different; there is no genuine human connection or bonding that we expect and know as normal. They don’t give off “connection”.

There is no reciprocal bond of human connection or interaction with a sociopath. Our brains don’t register this consciously. Our minds and then our bodies respond by being over-concerned and over-solicitous – just as we do with the lost puppy – but for very different reasons.

We’re Normal and Always Doing What’s Normal

It’s natural that we want to draw out the shy person, the reluctant puppy. You can bet when the person not yielding “connection” is a guy we think is our soul mate, and that (not) soul mate happens to be a sociopath, we’re not going to sit back, we’re going to bend over backward. That’s normal. To stay, to give, to try, to build, to fix is normal.

The lack of connection from the “other” causes us to reach further out to connect. This is another natural human element and function that the mere presence of a sociopath makes use of and hijacks for their own benefit.

And, it happens naturally without very much effort or sometimes no effort on their part. Yes. They are not genius manipulators. They’re a particular type of being with its own power of influence.

Like the Children Following the Pied Piper, We Follow

When we meet them we’re immediately all-in. We’re swept up in what we think will be an amazing life. A life that’s more amazing than anything we could ever imagine. A life beyond anything on our own. We feel we need them.

We feel like they are the answer to our dreams and more. There’s an overwhelming feeling that we need them. We kinda feel we’d die without them.

All of this is the sociopath effect. The effect of a narcissist – a sociopath – simply “is”. It emanates from them and infiltrates us like a poison vapor. This is what coercive control is: unseen, not felt in the beginning as anything other than the amazingness of this amazing person you’ve met. This same element is what makes it so hard to break away.

Narcissistic Abuse Unwound: The Podcast

The Sociopath Effect Leads Us to Feel We Need Them

The feeling that we need them is 100% across the board a commonality with every person ensnared by a sociopath. This is a part of what I call: The Sociopath Effect.

My friend is using an advance on future income from his music publishing rights to pay for it all. This is a musician who collaborated and hung with chart-topping musicians as their peer. And now: He’s eating his own future under the power of influence of a sociopath. The sociopath effect is destroying his life.

The feeling we need them simply is, because of what they are. – When we’re caught up, ensnared, the “click” has happened: we truly think we will not have the life we now, or any kind of life without them, and that we have what our life is now because of them.

Here’s another true story about a friend of mine. He’s a Grammy, Oscar, Platinum, and Gold record album holder. He’s got a 40-plus-year career as a renowned musician.

Under the spell of a nasty little female sociopath, posing as his manager, he now feels that without this (unrecognized) sociopath in his life he will: Stay in bed all day, get fat, be depressed, make no money, lose everything, be a nothing, and have nothing. – In fact, all this is what’s happening under her influence.

Sociopaths Are Shallow in Real-Life Skills

In reality, the sociopath knows nothing about building a musician’s career. She has no connections, or abilities to help anyone aside from herself. Like any sociopath she’s a sub-person pretending to be a whole-person, pretending to do a job.

Nothing about us made them what they are. We can’t do could not have said or done anything that would change what they are. Our right to be who we are is unalienable; we have every right to be just as we are; normal, perfectly-imperfect, gorgeous humans.

On these last few coffee shop gigs to somewhere in Indiana, where the seats are $20 each he’s not making enough to cover the flight there. This man, under the grip of a tiny female sociopath, pays for all the travel, hotel rooms, meals, and incidentals out of money he doesn’t have. And the point of a tour – income – is submerged in debt and no funds to pay himself on any single “tour”.

He fired his money manager of 25 years; the man who made his bill payments did his taxes, and kept his finance in the black. The sociopath maneuvered this firing and is now in charge of his money – or more to the reality of the situation, in charge of his mounting pile of debt. This fraudster is spending and stealing his money.

This is a musician who collaborated and hung with every chart-topper, his peers. And now, he’s eating his own future under the power of influence of a sociopath; bound in the spell of the sociopath effect.

Not Every Sociopath Can Hook Every Person

Just like some of us may not be drawn to saving a lost puppy, or affected by the aura and presence of Mr. Portier, not all of us are drawn in by anyone particular sociopath or another unless the timing is there and circumstances line up.

There’s an infinitesimal and specific moment in time when a particular sociopath can hook us. They know that… because of this and the 100% eventual fail-rate of all entrapments, they need to hunt 24/7; and because, they have no capacity to do anything else, or survive any other way.

Being Hooked or Not

In addition to the timing, circumstances, and our life itself, in order to fall into a sociopath’s influence, we need to find them attractive, or interesting, or see them as a potential business partner, or as a dream mate.

Otherwise, we might come across a sociopath in the park, or at the coffee shop, or any-old-where and they wouldn’t hit our radar or land that bulls-eye they need. If they don’t “hit-the-spot”, we find them disarmingly creepy rather than disarmingly charming. We’ve bypassed many a sociopath before the one that brought us here.

If We’re Hooked: We’re Hooked

When one hits the bullseye, it happens instantly. The nut-bag who hijacked me was introduced to me by a friend through a three-way conference call. In the previous months that I’d been dating a few men, wanting a long-term relationship, none of them panning out. I was also in the process of finding a new project to work on, and looking for a new lodger through Airbnb.

The idea was, I could work on this guy’s project and he could be my new temporary lodger because he was visiting LA, he wasn’t a resident of the USA. These were my circumstances.

The sociopath profoundly benefits by our not finding the correct track, or the accurate way to view what’s truly going on.

While my friend dialed in the nut-bag, I Googled him and up sprang images. One image went straight to the heart of my undoing. As I looked at his luminescent, pulsating-with-goodness-image, I was overcome with emotions.

They were the effect and influence of him clicking into my life, which immediately caused my brain to form the thought, ”I can’t work with him, he…. he… he’s my husband!” Bingo. Hook, line and sunk. His work was done. More to the point: He had no work to do. It happened for him. This is the way it works for most scams. They really aren’t sure what will work or when.

People Who Have Not Had This Experience Have No Clue

Unless someone has had this experience they can’t understand this. The best many people around us can do is conclude that this happened because we’re 1) codependent, 2) stupid, 3) missed red flags, 4) were in denial, 5) have low self-esteem, 6) don’t know how to pick boyfriends, 6) are attracted to losers, 7) like bad-boys, 8) are idiots, 9) need help, 10) toxic people magnets, 11) like drama, 12) should have known better.

And now that it’s ended and we’re a mess, that we’re: 13) crazy, 14) depressed, 15) suicidal, 16) were the problem, 17) are stalking them, 18) can’t move on, 19) need to let it go, 20) are ruminating, 21) are obsessed, 22) need Xanax or anti-depressants, 23) should start dating someone else to forget them, 24) are nuts, 25) have changed, 26) are no fun anymore.

We’ve been put through changes, and at the moment we might not be much fun, but none of the rest of those things are true. Not one of them. Nothing from numbers 1 through 24 is why this happened, or what we now are.

Be Sure There is None of the Above Malarkey is Put On Upon Us by Ourselves

We cannot take responsibility for the inhumanity of a sociopath or narcissistic user. There’s nothing about us that gives them permission to use us, deceive, lie, steal, take from us, smear us, or destroy us. Nothing about us made them what they are.

We can’t do could not have said or done anything that would change what they are. Our right to be who we are is unalienable; we have every right to be just as we are; normal, perfectly imperfect, gorgeous humans.

We are not “co-dependent”: This is accusatory and “blame the victim” language.

  • They are 100% dependent. Sociopaths need us for legitimacy and all elements of their survival.

We aren’t lacking boundaries: We’re engaged in normal human relationship building.

  • They have zero boundaries. Zero limits. They have no – none – zero “stops” on anything they will do, or try in their continued pursuit of survival as defrauding parasites.

Our Own Normal Human Feelings Lead Away Us From the Truth

Often while we’re caught up in being normal humans (imagine that) and having “feelings” in response to what they’re doing in a certain moment, we’re off track.

As our feelings then naturally turn to a thought, and then a belief, and then these thoughts and beliefs lead us to other conclusions about this moment, and about other scenarios with them, we are way, way, way off track. And the sociopath profoundly benefits from our not finding the correct track or the accurate way to view what’s truly going on.

There’s a day they expect from the first “hello”; the day where enough is revealed so that we pull back, roll up the red carpet of normal-relationship-building. The day they fail – and bail. Decode the truth. Reframe the nightmare. Be free.

While we’re busy feeling bad about something they’ve done or not done or said or not said to us, a hot-mix of feeling ashamed, embarrassed, sad, vulnerable, self-conscious, discarded, treated badly, abused rushes through us.

All mistaken as far as understanding what’s really going on. All inaccurate because he’s not – or she’s not – what we think they are or motivated by our specific feelings. He’s a sociopath deliberately using and taking advantage. He knows what he is.

Feelings Turn to Thoughts Which Become Beliefs

Our feelings are inspired by the narcissistic users’ callous and careless behavior; their neglect or broken promises and lies turn to thoughts and then beliefs about ourselves, our life, our value, and about the “relationship”

This can feed into feelings of low self-esteem, or a belief we aren’t “good enough”; all from misinterpreting the dynamic between “normal” and “sociopath”.

And low self-esteem or not, in no way, does any amount of “low self-esteem”, depression, or anything else about us gives anyone permission to defraud, con, assault, use, coerce, steal, or take from us, or any one-drop of the rest of the sickening things they do to others.

Our Normal is Bent to the Agent of Their Evil

With the combined sociopath effect phenomenon, and our normal-human characteristics, and beliefs we already carry they slide into a position of power and influence above ourselves. All normal under the sociopath effect.

There’s a day the sociopath expects from the first “hello”. The day when enough “weird”, enough lying, enough confusion, and glimpses of their lack of care is revealed so that we pull back, and roll up the red carpet of normal relationship-building. The day they fail and bail.

We were not loved and then betrayed, but ensnared, deceived, and used. We were never devalued and discarded. Discovering how to see the real truth is essential for healing. A voyage of crossfading misinformation, pain, self-doubt, and all the other soup of trauma and PTSD for the truth. Decode. Reframe the nightmare. Be free.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

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As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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Sociopaths’ Sexual Boundaries

Sociopaths’ sexual boundaries.
Vague, twisting, bending, illusion.
Sociopaths’ gender and sexuality is fluid.
Sociopaths play with anyone in their path.
Seducing vampires in human skin.

Sociopaths’ sexual boundaries change with their prey. This might seem a bit odd, but remember from our point of view, everything about a sociopath (even if you’re calling them a narcissist) is odd.

What I mean by this is that sociopaths have hidden netherworlds that not every one of us gets to see. Or more to the point, they have habits and tendencies that are not shown to every one of their prey. They decide prey by prey how much of their debauchery and what “flavor” of their sexuality to let out of the bag.

Sociopaths’ Sexual Expression

Sociopaths and sex

Sociopaths present a “persona of normal”. They piece this persona together as best they can. They wear this face so they can walk this earth among us. 

It seems these dull-witted creatures have gathered the significant tips that they need in order to hook us. in that every sociopath knows that they must “put out” sexually in order to best ensnare prey… Because sex is important and signifies a real connection to us.

To establish a “romantic relationship” naturally, sex would need to be part of this in order for us to believe we’re in something real… Something real and normal. They know this.

Their sexual boundaries, their sexuality, and their sexual expression as presented to each prey are a part of what they use to bind people to them.

You decide what winning is for yourself.

Sociopaths’ Sexual Pull Ensnares the People they Use

The pathological user’s sexual boundaries, their sexuality, and their sexual expression – as presented to each prey – are a part of what they use to bind people to them.

Remember: this too is a presentation, a facade… Until you get to the heart of their dark sexuality. Then you’e see that they ignore prey sexually, use prey for sexual entertainment including violence, use sex as blackmail, a binding tool and that they “put it out” absolutely anywhere they feel a an urge to.

No matter their outward gender, no matter the gender of a target, sociopaths coax out the same trust. Lure in, and administer the same feigned care, take with the same malevolent agenda.

The Podcast: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

The Sexual Facade Is There For Us All

They execute the same duplicity. Evoke the same pain. Elicit the same fear. Let slip the same bone-chilling words that reveal what they really are, in truth so evil our good and sweet normal minds reject it.

He’d empty his pockets littering the dresser; the cards scattered like grubby, smeared candy wrappers. Evidence. Cards from Nikki, Janet, Mike, Simone, Tony, Darren, Heidi… an in-take of men and women. Party favors from a good night’s prowl.

Our head spins. This is trauma. The world as we know it, and our place in it, sliding out from under us. And being the gorgeous humans that we are, we must reconcile their bizarre words with what’s right and good. This is normal. They aren’t.

Breaking Up With Evil

Breaking Up with Evil, by Jennifer Smith on Amazon and Good Reads

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

Told in their own words, they leave nothing unsaid. Find validation and see new glimpses of the truth as they share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

Sociopaths’ Sexual “Anything” Has Nothing to Do with Love or Normal

Seeing sociopaths’ sexual boundaries and gender as an open-ended expanse, colored in and molded to fit whichever prey dangles in their claws, is a hideous revelation.

This is a hard one to accept, but as I made my escape, I absorbed the truth of this. In the earlier days after I kicked him out, I had to gather evidence for my green card fraud annulment so I contacted every woman I knew of that he was involved with. Each and everyone that I suspected as an “other woman”.

Head-Spinning Revolting Discoveries From Other Prey

A sociopaths’ sexual reality is another piece of the mask that falls away, another bottom that drops.

Among the flock of women he kept in his grip, one of the designated fiancés asked me, is he bisexual? One of his girlfriends asked, is he gay? There were more… it went on for months.

Standing frozen with my phone to my ear, another so-called fiancé of my so-called husband told me, …yah, we’d get really drunk and he’d f–k me in the a-s every night. A wall slammed shut somewhere inside me. I couldn’t hear any more. Not another word before my mind broke.

narcissistic abuse recovery Jennifer Smith true love scam recovery

Their Stories Spin Our World

It was more than I could take without losing my balance. My head spun, the earth fell out from under me, and another part of me opened up to a whole different picture of this Mr. Charming, this amazing husband of mine.

A part of me knew this was the truth, this was the creature I was married to. I was married to a lying, deceiving, hideous “thing”. I grabbed on fast to that truth and let it save me.

Con Men Sociopaths Reject Prey Sexually

All the while, early on the sociopath con man I married refused to be sexual with me. Mingled in with the confusion and pain of this, his rejection brought out a compulsion, a desire to please, to appease him.

Bizarrely I’d been dragged by his story telling into a sickening moment of the only sexual intimacy I ever really had with him, not an experience I enjoyed, but one purely for his pleasure.

Hoping to bring intimacy back in place as it should be in a marriage, I’d risk a glance his way, try to get in a word, linger in a room where he was, try to touch his hand. Wanting so badly to seem natural, casual and to hit-it just right so it wouldn’t make him mad, but would make things normal. It didn’t work.

I discovered that the sexual rejection by a sociopath does something that lands us right in the palm of their hands. Our feelings of rejection while under their spell falls in their favor. They observe this. They can’t comprehend why or how it works exactly… but they know it.

The thing is, any and all of our normal reactions are what land things to their side of the court. In this case, sexual rejection, and rejection of intimacy, rather than leading us to break up with them immediately, first – and maybe for a long time – makes us try harder. The desire for connection consumes us, then desire becomes drenched with pain, and then it’s only pain.

Normal Means Giving the Benefit of the Doubt

I also spent time giving the benefit of the doubt. I looked for answers that didn’t include straight-out rejection. Hopping onto the internet, googling away, I discovered something called sexual anorexia, or intimacy anorexia.

This is a condition that keeps people from intimacy with their primary partner but renders them highly promiscuous. The other listed traits of intimacy anorexia, such as childhood abuse (he claimed), and all the rest fit what I’d seen or been told by him about himself. With a very heavy heart, I decided this was the problem. The heavy, sad weight of what I saw as my future can’t be described.

Normal Couples Face Things Together

I imagined – and feared – facing this together overcoming this as a couple. Talking about this was not simple and came with dread. I think this dread was an effect of the quliaty of their presence rather than what I might have felt if her were a normal person with actual sexual anorexia.

Then one evening the right timing seemed to be in place, somehow not only was he at home and not busy fiddling around online or in another room, but the topic of our non-sex life was open. This was as far as our intimacy ever went and it was rare. I knew this would be my only chance to try and talk about it.

In our first months together he’d sit up until early in the morning talking and talking. I’d sometimes sit on the floor at his feet, his simpering, agreeable audience. I have no idea why I sat at his feet. My knees bent on their own spontaneously and I lowered to the base of his chair to the carpet.

We Do What We’d Never Otherwise Do Under Their Spell

I’d never in my life sat at anyone’s feet with one exception: I sat in the same way at the feet of one other man years before… I now also know this other man was also a sociopath. 

So, as I folded to the floor, inside myself I thought how odd this was and wondered at it still. I could see myself in my mind’s eye in this pitiful, weak, bizarre position and setting. Who was this? It felt like a play or a dream that I wasn’t dreaming but that played in my mind moving me through it like a marionette.

Sitting on the floor at the end of the couch where he was laid out so that I was as “next to him” as I ever got at this point, I gently, quietly said, it could be sexual anorexia…

I stopped myself short as his face pulled into a contortion like a wild dog showing its fangs. He spat at me, whisper-hissed and snarled in disgust somehow mingled with a smirk and amusement at the idea of my stupid notion, tttsssszzz, sexual anorexia!

A Sociopath is Never in the Room for the Reason We Are

I didn’t say another word. I had seen his ind at work. Rather than being hurt by this rabid rejection and disdain, I observed him. He was exhibiting glee at a new discovery mingles with amusement that I was seriously looking for reasons fo this sexual absences other than because he’s a sociopath and this is what they do. In other words, he was proud and pleased and amused that I still considered him an actual normal human and was taking the time to “solve our problem” as a couple!

So, he saw that I was still hooked… and: he discovered a new thing he could claim as a excuse for not having sex with hie prey. I had given him something he could use. Something he hadn’t known about that would draw empathy for normal people and buy him time in their lives.

He was also laughing at how preposterous it was that I thought he might have this condition when in fact, he was highly sexually active, though never with me. My sincere confusion and pain over this was a sign to him that I was deeply hooked and still “in”. This is what every sociopath needs to monitor. I’d done his work for him (again) by bringing up this concern it proved to him that I was indeed locked into place and saw him as “normal”…. or normal enough to still be there.

Normal Tires, Fixes, and Stays

My genuine worry and attempt to “fix us” showed to him that I was “in place” as prey. He had no interest in a discussion about it. His response was motivated by his preference that I shut up, and it had his desired effect.

He had no such problem as sexual anorexia, but me spending time thinking that he did in essence paid the way for his presence in my life for a few weeks more in which he well and truly tore things up.

By the violence of his response, I’d say for certain that my attempt to talk about it also signaled to him that things were wearing thin for me, that I was closer to that moment when the spell breaks than he’d like. It meant he needed to move quickly to take more, which he did. And indeed, 90-days later I kicked him out. – This dynamic is what’s actually happening in any scene or moment with a sociopath.

Confusion Stays and Pain Remains

His compulsive and predatory sexual-hunting glared in the crinkled business cards he collected and carried home like little prizes of potential. He’d empty his pockets littering the dresser; the cards scattered like grubby, smeared candy wrappers. Evidence. Cards from Nikki, Janet, Mike, Simone, Tony, Darren, Heidi… an in-take of men and women. Party favors from a good night’s prowl.

In retrospect, looking at it from the psyche of a sociopath, and when put together with the things his “other” women had said, What I realized was he’d been talking about himself.

He spent the next day sorting the cards, shuffling them in his paws while he sucked on a Heineken.  He passed them off as potential “business connections”. – He was big on networking.

Sociopaths’ sexuality is rampant, in my hell it showed up in a string of gold foil-wrapped condoms that fell from his pocket as he undressed at 5:00 in the morning after one particular night’s prowl.

This happy event took place on Valentine’s Day morning, with nothing else to mark the day aside from my discovery made as he lay snoring, drooling onto his pillow on the couch.

Sociopaths are Highly Sexual and Sex is Their High

Hands shaking, stuffing the longer string of prophylactics back into his pocket, I let two golden, shiny condom packets that were on their own unattached to the others lay on the carpet at the back left leg of the chair his pants were dangling from. It looked like they’d fallen from his pocket on their own.

Coercive Control Arises Spontaneously From Their Influence

The sexual dynamic we’re drawn into with a sociopath, what we accommodate or bring ourselves to tolerate under their spell is never our normal. It is theirs.

People tend to think of coercive control as the obvious blackmail or threat, If you don’t do this, I’ll that! kind of tit-for-tat orders. It can be. But it isn’t born of that and does not first begin like this.

Our morphing how we are and what we prefer to fit them is in fact the coercive control And we do it mostly without ever being asked. This is the very confusing an heartbreaking aspect of the power of sociopaths. It’s the bit that makes us ache in agony and wonder how we could have done what we did.

Coercive Control In Sex Or In the Kitchen is Identical

The fact is the element of, and the effect of coercive control kicks in the moment we think they’re attractive, nice, cute or funny. It kicks in the moment we meet even if we don’t think they’re cute, if they keep at us for about 10 to 14 days, it’s possible we flip in that two weeks. We’re in. It’s a grip that comes from their very breath and infiltrates our very being before we can say Bob’s your uncle.

This is normal and very, very misunderstood. This is why people on the outside looking at us in a mess on the floor afterward can only shake their heads. It’s why we rail in tears when by ourselves, muttering, why did I, and I should have. It’s what leads us to believe it’s all our fault… and what some feel entitled to say happened because of our “lack of boundaries”. They are wrong.

Please know what ever we did under their spell is normal. Everything we did, whatever it was, is okay. That everything will be okay.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

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Have a listen: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

SD Voyager interview

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As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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Affiliate links are in every True Love Scam Recovery article. Clicks on these links provide minor compensation to keep the site running. and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Recovery Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you.

2018_05_19 2023_01_27

D.I.Y. Guide to a Sociopath’s Brain and Psyche

Sociopaths, narcissists as in the pathologically narcissistic,
the pathological users and liars, predators
don’t think as we do.
Their hearts are colder than ice; harder than stone.
The trouble lies within their brains.

Sociopaths are known for their charm if you like that particular sociopath. Then, along the way, there’s that hairpin turn to nightmare behavior. This D.I.Y. Guide to a sociopath’s brain and psyche cracks the code. So… what’s going on in those heads of theirs?

Sociopaths – the pathologically narcissistic, the predatory parasitic user – don’t think as we do because they can’t. The vast chasm of difference between “normal” and “sociopath” is found in the brain.

Sociopaths Have a Brain That Works Very Differently than Ours

These pathological users can act in ways we’d never imagine. Making use of others is their normal.

Sociopaths’ and psychopaths’ brains don’t work a bit like ours. It’s confusing and frustrating to try to build relationships with them because they’re missing the building blocks of bonding.

We get caught up in our own emotional reactions to what’s happening between us and them. We go to emotions and to talking things out to correct conflict and confusion and to bond. We “feel” our way through life.

We Are Normal Through and Through

sociopaths' brains are underfunctioning #malignantnarcissist #sociopath

And that’s normal… and really great, except these narcissistic pathological users aren’t normal and don’t care what we feel, so it doesn’t help us at all.

Sociopaths and psychopaths do not have the brain capacity to feel any social or personal positive connection or bond. We can look into their eyes searching for a connection and find nothing but empty, or worse. – This is also likely that person you might be calling a ‘narcissist”.

Though in human skin and bones, they’re empty and hollow aside from destructive forces and utterly devoid of humanity. This is really difficult to realize, to see, to take in, to accept, and to understand.

What is recovered for you?

How Can Sociopaths Do What They Do?

Whether we call them sociopaths, malignant narcissists, con artists, scammers, covert narcissists, liars, or users – they’re all alike. It’s incredibly hard for us to imagine the vast emptiness inside their heads.

Without any human connection, they have only one thing going on in their upstairs hamster wheel of a brain: survival.

The way a predator, a parasite such as a sociopath survives is like any parasite, they live through the efforts of others and off of others. They know this about themselves. They count on us not knowing this.

Breaking Up With Evil

Breakign Up with Evil, by Jennifer Smith on Amazon and Good Reads

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

True crime. Told in their own words with nothing unsaid. Find validation, and see new glimpses of truth as these five women share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

We Can Only Be Normal

We, as normal humans who do bond and care, have limbic brains. This is the brain of a mammal. A mammal is an animal – including us humans – that gives vaginal birth. Yah! I know, right! This includes in part cows, bunnies, dogs, cats, monkeys, elephants, dolphins, and whales. Each of these, including humans, bonds, loves, nurtures, creates family groups, and can even bond with one another.

Antisocial psychopaths are referred to as a sociopath, sometimes a narcissist or a psychopath. The sociopath has what’s called a “reptilian brain”. Think of creatures with a reptilian brain, such as snakes, lizards, and crocodiles.

They lay eggs, do not create a family, and even eat their young both before or after the eggs hatch. – There are a few exceptions here, but this is to give an idea of the fundamental difference that matters: no nurturing, no parenting, no bonding, no pairs, or family group.

Sociopaths Can Only Be Sociopaths

What the sociopath is wired by their brain to do in order to live, to survive, to exist has the effect of destroying others. They know this. It doesn’t faze them. This sounds farfetched unless you’ve been in it.

There’s Really No One Home: Aside From Evil

Sociopaths are without any bonding capability, therefore they’re without genuine concern or care for any human or for any animal though they pretend to have either or both.

They have no moral, ethical, or spiritual concern for others or for the effect on others as fall out and as deliberate effect. imagine if you can: they have no conscience. – They do however make use of our conscience and our emotions and normal bonding impulses to prolong their parasitic stay in any person’s life.

With this primal urge to survive, which we all share, when the brain doesn’t bond or care then what’s left in these simple creatures is spartan. It’s purely and the only motivation to make use of other people, to take whatever they want, and get away with it. – There is nothing else there.

Sociopaths Don’t Feel What We Feel

A narcissist is the same thing as a sociopath, and a sociopath is in reality a psychopath. Sociopaths are all alike. I settled on the term “sociopath” because it’s more palatable than “psychopath” and has much more meaning as to their real nature than “narcissist”.

If you’re thinking of them as a covert, overt or malignant narcissist or borderline, please shift how you think of them through the concept of a sociopath and things will make more sense. – These DSM categories are irrelevant at best to those solving the crimes of a life invasion.

Collectively, these vast wastelands of humanity do not “feel” or experience any of the normal emotions that we do. Not at all, no matter how hard they pretend to. And definitely no matter how much we project our experience of human emotions onto them. – In fact, it’s this assumption that they feel like we do that causes us further harm and pain.

Sociopaths Do Not Feel The Way We Do

All the very normal human emotions we experience aren’t felt by them. We assume these emotions are felt by them. This is from our world. They do not feel any of these feelings in the way we do.

Limbic Brained Normal: Trust, Bonding, and Connection

We, on the other hand, have limbic brains; the brain of a mammal that bonds, cares, and makes connected family groups.

Their reptilian brain is a primal self-survival brain. We walk into what we think is a friendship or relationship with our limbic brain. Essentially, we’re jumping like little puppies expecting things to be good. This then is where the real trauma lives when ensnared by a sociopath. We can heal our traumatized brains.

Sociopaths aka psychopaths and some of the ones you might still be referring to as a narcissist, genuinely do not like others or feel part of a group, they have no love for their parents, no love for their children, no love at all. These parasites can be disarmed before they start.

D.I.Y. Guide to the Inside of the Dark-Dark Noggin

A Sociopath’s or a Pathological Predator’s Behaviors are Identical and Predictable

  • They don’t really tell much about their lives other than highlights of being used or heroic things they’ve done
  • They try to show themselves as humanitarians, fighters for justice, or do-gooders
  • Surprisingly, they are naive
  • They get restless and bored
  • Predators give the impression of being sincere and humble
  • When meeting someone new they want to hear about the other person
  • Agree with us to inspire our trust and feelings of intimacy
  • They create a forced “we”; create an “us and them”
  • Go through periods of hyperactivity contrasted with heavy downtime. There’s a significant reason for this and it’s not because they have PTSD or are bi-polar or other malarkey
  • When threatened personally that their toys will be taken, they experience trauma and lash out

There’s Still More

  • Say one thing then another
  • Tell tall tales of being used by others
  • Some “play dead” like a kid; talk about death, dying, or suicide
  • Say odd things that are in reality when they’re telling the truth of how they feel
  • Hesitate before responding, looking at us in a paused mode
  • Give inappropriate or disjointed, off the mark response in emotional situations that call for empathy, sympathy, or compassion such as someone’s death, accident, or illness
  • Have hidden sexual activity; hedonistic, BDSM, sex industry, pedophilia, porn
  • Employment is sparse, shortlived, or a long-term professional setting or claim they have their own business; under the surface, all is fraud
  • Though sociopaths – because of the inherent sociopath power of influence – can have a huge scope of influence in politics, law, criminal justice, and religious settings
  • Careless with material possessions yet seem attached to some items to obsession
  • Can be very entertaining and hold sway with a crowd, paradoxically quite hermit-like
  • They can sound and seem like two different people in different situations
  • Have the ability to morph age-wise, genderwise
  • A sociopath can cross over, shift in what they seem to be in terms of where they’re from, their economic status, and more

Sociopaths Have Different Brains Than Normal People


National Geographic made an informative video about antisocial psychopaths aka sociopaths in our midst.

Antisocial in this context is Latin medical terminology referring to their abnormal brains. it means they behave outside of the expected or the accepted social behaviors and norms. It’s got nothing to do with being uncomfortable or shy socially.

Sociopaths aka psychopaths are within this category, but the full-blown psychopath is more focused on the entertainment they feel at other’s pain than on scamming a place to sleep.  Watch it here.

We might not all experience all of the kinds of horrific things a sociopath can potentially do, say, their darkest thinking may not be seen by all of us, in many cases, they are not shown to all of us. Some of you have the “relationship” crumble and end without a harsh word between you. – This is great you were spared and yet this also becomes a stumbling block to seeing what they are.

Easy-Peasy: Criminal is Their Normal

A sociopath will claim to be a great parent, especially on FB. Steal money or possessions from a spouse, friend, or stranger. Have affairs with married people. Impregnate and abandon. Hide money from a partner. Lie to authorities. “Cheat” while in a “relationship”. For a sociopath aka narcissist, immigration and marriage fraud are as ordinary as it is for them to have us do the laundry and pay their phone bill.

It’s a possibility they have two phones – or more – and keep those hidden. Or pretend one or the other phone is for work because they’re so big and important. If you noticed they don’t genuinely pay their own way financially, even if they work, the work is fraud. They use a different name. Hide where they go, and the things they buy.

Their World Is Nothing Like Ours

What we think we know about the sociopath who hijacked us is usually not nearly the tip of the iceberg. Don’t wait to find out more. Go no contact.

Sociopaths separate groups of people and their “second” family, along with their second or third or fourth alias, alternate versions of their names or completely different identities.

These pathological users will fake illness. Leave for days. Stop talking, or talk so much our eyes cross. They marry only for houses, cars, property, and borrowed respectability. Sociopaths aka narcissists use online social media and dating sites to fish for prey. Primary prey suffers pain and confusion when the sociopath-predator withholds sex. Change phone numbers frequently.

They make bold claims about glorious accomplishments. Promise many things. Place their prey in the position of being liable for their crimes. These are criminals: read more about that in this NY Times story on one of the latest sociopaths put behind bars.

Let’s Withdraw the Magnanimous, Generous Credit we Give these Beasts

Personal sessions! Recovery for narcissistic abuse Jennifer Smith True Love Scam Recovery

We tend to give the sociopath’s machinations and ability to lie more flattering significance than it’s worth. We imagine their ploys require “intelligence”.

We think what they do requires some kind of genius because they’re doing things we’d never think of doing in a million years or ever dare to do if we could think of it.

In reality, they can do what they do because they don’t care. I don’t mean they decide not to care. Deciding not to care would require the ability to care and then to weigh and discern caring more about one thing than another. They don’t have “care” for others in their lexicon of emotion.

When there’s no concern or consideration for other people, no sense of responsibility, no obligation to society, family, friends, humanity, or any living being other than self allowing one to carry out any action to gain a desire – is this intelligence or genius? Or is it simply a kind of diabolical freedom? When caring is absent, what’s left?

~ Jennifer Smith

Sociopaths Fake Next to Everything


Sociopaths avoid work. Pass STDs. Demand a partner to stop practicing a religious faith. Ruin others with lies. Lie in court. Lie to immigration. Block wives, and girlfriends from their social media.

Abandon their children. Scam and lie to their children. Obtain fake passports. Use fake IDs. Never have a real address.

Use two or more Facebook accounts with different identities. Control and abuse children just as they do adults. Claim fame that doesn’t exist.

Use someone else’s social security number. Fake their educations. Cheat through school. Leave others holding the bag for their debts.

What Sociopaths Don’t Want Us to Know About Them

Sociopaths don’t like us to know their vulnerabilities and darker secret behaviors. and Their genderless sexuality and promiscuous nature. In reality, for these omnisexual, asexual creatures, anyone will do as a sexual “partner” since there is no love or emotional connection.

There is a concerted effort to hide their alcohol use, porn, prostitution, and gambling or drug use. It’s important for the pathological predator to hide their deep fear of being discovered as what they are because the fear is connected to what it is we’ll do when we see what they are. They huge fear of losing their prey, though they know every false connection will eventually end from the moment they’ve said “hello”. namazon

Violence, Secrets, and Things We Can’t Imagine

They try to keep their violent behavior under wraps – at least in the beginning. Their bar fights might become stories you hear about how someone attacked them. They’ll do their best to hide their stealing and criminal records. Sociopaths separate their “second” and “third” families and any social groups associated with each as best they can. They hide their assorted aliases, identities, and alternate versions of their names.

These pathological users can act in ways we’d never imagine. Making use of others is their “normal”. This can be hard to see even when we feel they’re lying, not completely honest, and we feel suspicious of them.

Things we might be missing are that they act out in impulsive violence. and have uncontrollable rage. They defraud governments and agencies. Embezzle funds or property. Blackmail. Commit forgery. Sell drugs. Pimp. And, really and truly couldn’t care less.

Sociopaths try to cover up that they know what they’re doing. These creatures know that by being what they are, others are hurt.

Sociopaths, Even if you Call them Narcissists, Narcopaths or Narcs, Need Others to Believe Them

Here’s the best part: they need us. And they know they do. Their success is dependent upon us not knowing any of this. And they don’t have a chance of using others or surviving unless we believe them and believe they’re at least within some range of normal. Maybe normal but troubled.

Recognize them for what they are. Put aside our emotional investment and connection. Shut down the sociopath’s ability to use and abuse. Exit stage left or get them gone. Go no contact, trust our gut! We are our own angels! We are Super Heroes!

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

The podcast, Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

SD Voyager interview

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As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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True Love Scam Recovery, Narcissistic Abuse Unwound, Jennifer Smith,, and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Recovery Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you. Founded 2014 © 2026 All Rights Reserved True Love Scam Recovery

2015_09_20 2024_08_22

What a Conman Wants More Than Anything on Earth

More than anything on earth, they want us to shut up.
They need us but they don’t want us.
They need things like citizenship or all our money.

To survive they need us to believe they’re normal.

These creatures need everything we’ve got. And to get all that we’ve got what they need above all else is for us to just shut up. Sound too simplistic because of how bad you feel when they lie, gaslight, and turn hot and cold?

Well, there is more to it… They first – and for as long as possible – need us to believe them. And to “trust them”. Along with that bit of malarkey, then they get to take from us and use us… for food, a place to sleep, and permission to walk the earth.

Sociopaths Want Us to Shut Up

It’s when we start to see the odd things, the weird stuff, the lies that they want us to shut up. Meaning they don’t want us to challenge them, ask them any questions like, where are you going? Why didn’t you come home last night?

This is so that they can get all the things they need and want while they keep doing whatever they want to do. Like us, they need shelter. They need money, cars, and someone who will defend them to others when the p**p hits the fan at various points in time.

For this, they need to get us to believe they’re normal. They cling to their goal to keep what they are hidden and keep on taking so tenaciously it’s almost awe-inspiring – until it’s frightening … and eventually, laughable.

You Might be Calling A Sociopath a “Narcissist”

Sociopaths are con men, con women, con artists, scammers…criminals. Beyond getting us to like them and be quiet, a scammer’s main need from any specific prey varies. It depends on the circumstances and situations they have going on in their lives that we likely won’t know about, and others they tell us a huge story about.

Paradoxically these pathological users can happily live in a box on the side of the road while they wait for something cozy to jump onto.

Some need a place to stay more than others. Some want political recognition, and they all need a respectability facade, we serve as hall passes and entreé to groups of our friends, maybe to what they see as big-money, or property, or just super good drugs, or just hard-core and depraved sex.

They do whatever they think they need to do to get whatever it is they want.

A con man wants what a con man wants because a con man is a sociopath. Even if we call them a “narc”, “narcopath”, “narcissist”, or a malignant narcissist. It’s amazing to think this is real. We can hardly believe it, and sadly many others won’t believe us when we talk about it.

Take back your life

Sociopaths Need Normal, Strong, Amazing People

Each target or prey holds a key to an aspect of what the con man wants including a good breakfast once in a while. We each fit nicely into their needs like candy in a row on a vending machine. Our presence is a piece of their survival, otherwise, they wouldn’t give us – or any of their other prey – the time of day.

Sometimes the function of a target is to lend the sociopath credibility. The façade of a family and children is popular with sociopaths – so popular, that most have more than one all at the same time. Some targets are a main-line money supply. Others are access to a country or a group of people.

Breaking Up With Evil

Breaking Up with Evil, by Jennifer Smith on Amazon and Good Reads

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

Told in their own words, they leave nothing unsaid. Find validation and see new glimpses of the truth as they share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

A Sociopath, a “Narcissist” Tries It On With Everyone

A sociopath juggles targets, all of whom are part of the supply chain for food and shelter, an internet connection, a shower, a bed, and a gym membership.

They need all the mundane basics, as well as any material possession they need, laptops, phones, watches, cars, entrée to private nightclubs and VIP social settings, fundraisers, wine tastings at the German consulate, or the best meth around.

More Than One At a Time: Scamming By the Dozens

These heinous rapscallions covet anything they think fits their persona of “cool” or “good guy”. They covet any person who can get them inside the velvet ropes of any realm.

Paradoxically these pathological users can happily live in a box on the side of the road while they wait for something cozy to jump onto. – The reality of what they are is hard to take in and difficult to fully comprehend in a deeper way than with our “intellect”.

Sociopaths, Narcs, Narcopaths Want Anything and Everything

You name it, they scam it. An address is a number one priority, even if the address they use is not where they live… in fact all the better. You might have experienced that scamming an address for IDs and mail delivery for things such as Passports and for other faux business purposes, is Con Man 101.

Maybe you’ve witnessed how much they like to be untraceable. There’s often more than one phone, email, or social media account. You’ll find variations of their name – or brand new ones they’re using all at once with different prey.

We might not see all these bits of their reality. They sure hope not, because when we do we don’t do what they need most which are for us: to shut up. Con men, narcs, narcopaths, covert narcissists aka sociopaths have delusions of their own importance and glamour.

Know this: all and any gender of sociopath is no different. All here applies to all of them.. There are some special features to female sociopaths. Read here: 3 Dangers of Female Sociopaths.

They Promise Many Things: And “Real” is Never on the List

They’ll promise us the moon to get what they want. The fact is, promises a narcopath – meaning a sociopath – or narc (if you’ll them that) are bait and remain unfulfilled.

They hang like popped balloons on a limp, dirty string. Yet they keep us hanging on for so much longer than we want to as a part of the inexplicable influence of a sociopath.

Their driving force never falters. Their ambitions never wane. Memorize and keep in mind always the real inner workings of a con man or con woman – or con person – when faced with getting away from them.

While there’s pretty much no such thing as a “narcissist”…It doesn’t matter what you call them – what matters is that we understand what we’re truly facing. This is a difficult discovery. What matters is that we know what truly motivates them – and what that means – and how to break away safely and recover fully.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

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Have a listen: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

SD Voyager interview

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Subscribe True Love Scam Recovery Jennifer Smith

As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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Affiliate links are in every True Love Scam Recovery article. Clicks on these links provide minor compensation to keep the site running. and its agents are not licensed as attorneys, medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, or therapists. See the entire and full True Love Scam Recovery Privacy Policy and Legal Agreement and Disclaimer here. Thank you.

2014_11_05 2023_08_03

20 Characteristics of a Con Man Sociopath

Sociopaths are identical and predictable.
Truly understanding the characteristics
of a sociopath changes everything.

It likely sounds dramatic, an impossibility, and maybe a bit like fear-mongering to say with calm confidence, oh that guy? He’s a sociopath. Or, she’s a sociopath. – The breaking news is, it is neither dramatic nor impossible.

It’s practical and sensible. It is scary. However, calmly knowing sociopaths exist and are real and what that means is huge key to how we unwind the damage of the sociopath-effect and unplug their influence.

Aren’t Sociopaths Only In the Movies?

I wish. The fact is, a sociopath is a real thing. A common reality. There are humans all around us who function from sociopathy. …And to confuse things even further, many people call them narcissists.

Though sociopath is a big scary word, the characteristics of a sociopath are really tiny and limited. And distinct.

There’s a good reason for this, a sociopath is a sociopath because they have a brain significantly different from the regular brain, that is from yours or mine.

Their brains under-function, so that they have no sensation or experience or feeling of connection. No sense of caring, genuine consideration, love, or even like for people outside of their own body. This pathology gives them very specific and unbelievable traits and qualities.

Breaking Up With Evil

Breakign Up with Evil, by Jennifer Smith on Amazon and Good Reads

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared, hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

Told in their own words, they leave nothing unsaid. Find validation and see new glimpses of the truth as they share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

Pathological vs Non-pathological

By now you’ve heard the word narcissist and maybe call the person who hauled you through hell a narcissist. The thing is a “narcissist” is most often a sociopath. If you’re thinking of them as a “narcissists” read about and research sociopaths for real answers.

There’s lots of material and many memes and so many Insta accounts that talk about the more mundane narcissistic person who is not pathological and who is not a scammer. If you found yourself in a life where you were working harder than you’ve ever worked to keep your life and their life afloat only to find it constantly sinking, you were ensnared by the pathological narcissist…. that is, a sociopath.

No Conscience, No Concern For You Or Anyone Else

Sociopaths are 100% narcissistic. They’re in your life for a reason that is not normal or genuine in any way. There’s no one more narcissistic on the planet than the sociopath… the antisocial psychopath aka sociopath or psychopath. Read here about why the clinical terminology uses the word “antisocial”.

The Podcast: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

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Have a listen: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

Narcissistic Abuse Unwound” is on Spotify, Pandora, Audible, AmazonMusic, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, RadioPublic, Castbox and more!

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Narcissistic Abuse Unwound
on your favorite podcast platform!

Sociopaths Are Real: And Simplistic in Nature

Though sociopath is a big scary word, the characteristics of a sociopath are really tiny and limited. And distinct. There’s a good reason for this: a sociopath is a sociopath because they have a brain significantly different from the regular brain… yours or mine.

Their brains are structured so that they have no sensation or experience of feeling any bondinglovecare, or consideration for other people — or animals. – They do pretend to.

The attachment or interest they display for others is where we begin to feel horrified because it’s not like ours. And it’s not good.

Other people hold no meaning to them aside from using that person for the sociopath’s personal gain. This means they’re what’s commonly called a con man or con artist, or scammer. And they come in male or female versions.

What depth of recovery do you want?

Brain Scans Reveal the Sociopath, “Narcissist”, Psychopath Brain

There’s hard science to demonstrate the difference in their brains. Brain scans by neuroscientists reveal the portions of the brain attributed to feeling love, and compassion just doesn’t function.

There’s nothing we can recognize as normal once the mask hits the floor. So what is going on inside of them? There’s basically nothing there. Where love would be there’s white noise. The connection between themselves and others isn’t made of concern or care.

There’s Nobody Inside To Connect With

Though they can create what we first feel is intimacy and deep interest in us, calling what they put out towards us a real “connection” isn’t quite the thing. This is because they see us as an object to grab-and-smash; something like a natural resource they hold the rights to.

They truly believe that they have every right to make use of humans as you or I would make use of a vacuum cleaner or a blender to get something done.

The thing is, we care more about the well-being of our vacuum cleaner than a sociopath does about us or any other human. They make use of others in absolutely any way they like. The word, “exploitation” comes to mind.

This is really hard for us to believe. It’s humanly impossible to absorb in one single moment the reality that there are people who look human, just like us, but are missing the “humanity chip”. Taking this in is a process.

Getting to the Reality of These Creatures

Find out here: The Podcast: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

We Are Not Responsible for The Predator’s Inhumanity

People without a conscious are bereft of good as if they’ve scorched the very roots of goodness within their own lives. They aren’t “choosing” to not care; this in itself would come from a place of caring. They have no place of caring within them. These are people who embed themselves into people’s lives to take, to use, and to do whatever they want. This is their real “work” whether they have an actual paycheck or not.

Jennifer Smith, True Love Scam Recovery

How Do Sociopaths (aka Narcissists aka Psychopaths) Do What They Do?

When individuals operate without a conscience they are able to do horrible things we would never dream of doing, and there is no moral compass or guilt feelings to stop them.

Dr. Deborah Ettel, PhD Psychology

The Sociopath Effect Is Inevitable

In order to hook, use and take from targets, (that would be you or I, just regular people) every sociopath uses the same little tricks and misleads and lies. This takes effect in one-on-one relationships, in romantic or work situations, towards religious leaders or politicians; anywhere you find and admire or like someone who is a sociopath this hook will take hold.

Where ever there’s a sociopath in a group, a family, or an organization. The predator gets busy in a true love faux-lationship or superior-acolyte in any setting. The arc of hell and the crazy plays out in five stages. Always, and also in every one of these set-ups.

This Is The Only Way It Goes

There’s no deviation from this pattern of hook and use and break-away. It might be carried out over five days or 50 years with any particular morsel of prey — but there’s no variation in the way a sociopath functions or affects prey.

Everything they do and say is in an effort to make use of those around them is for their survival. We are their livelihood. This survival is dependent upon us believing they’re normal. This is not easy for us to see. It takes time and taking in a new perspective to see this thing we never imagined existed.

Our experience with them is traumatic and so is coming to terms with what they are. Not all trauma is bad!

Sociopaths are Identical, Predictable and Severely Limited

So many give credit to the sociopath as a master manipulator, a genius liar. I beg to differ. It’s time to look again from another angle, so we can stop giving them the power. They claim to be amazing and talented geniuses — and we do at first see them as masterly wizards of manipulation and at the antics that they pull.

Sociopaths are the antithesis of loving and giving; they only take and as the fallout of their taking, destruction is all they bring to the table.

In reality, sociopaths have very limited thinking. They are severely limited, have specific thinking and feelings, and have no other way to think or feel.

What they feel as raw emotions is desire or need, and then glee when they get what they want, anger when it’s threatened or taken away, rage when their scam is being seen through or put to an end, and fear. They have a great fear of being exposed which fuels endless rage at being caught or exposed.

How Would the One You’re Wondering About Do On This Test?

Answer these very basic questions that lead to an estimation of whether someone is a sociopath aka a psychopath… or that person you’re calling a “narcissist”. I

After all, never forget, understanding what you’re facing isn’t about diagnosing them… this discovery serves the purpose of finding your safety, keeping your sanity, and restoring your well-being.

They Lose it When They Lose

If they’re at risk of exposure they lose it; when exposed they risk not getting what they want or getting away with it they become wild-cornered animals.

They frantically and erratically hop from one tactic to another trying to get their house of cards back in place. They come up with elaborate stories, fake illnesses, disappear, kill, cry spontaneous sheets of tears… rage and threaten and blackmail (like, if I lose, I’ll leave the United States…). The nearer they are to losing it all, the more they lose it.

The profound fear they live with is one of the things they don’t want us to realize about them. If their fear was not incredibly deep, why would they rage so when we get close to the truth?

Confusion is The Vibe

The reason we feel so confused is that this is nothing like anything we’ve known before. And… It isn’t anything we can see by using the way we normally think to look at it.

The whole mess is a fake-lationship. A faux-lationship. We think we’re in a real relationship; the sociopath knows it’s not a real mutual human relationship.

Sociopaths do their best to embed themselves into people’s lives in order to take, use, make use of us, and do whatever they want in that person’s life. Making these attempts and making this effort is how they spend every single day; this is their “work”. It’s how they survive.

This Kind of Con Brings Post Traumatic Stress

As a confused and hurt person trying to find answers, to decipher what’s going on, understanding the characteristics of a sociopath lets us see from an angle that supports our understanding. This also saves our mental and emotional – as well as physical – health and allows for healing.

It’s not easy to fully comprehend and takes time to see it, but the fact is, we’re nothing more than a piece of equipment or an object to the sociopath. Beyond that, we’re despised and held in contempt.

This is so hard to grasp because we’re fully human. We love and support those we love; we don’t view them as expendable resources. Sociopaths are the antithesis of loving and giving; they only take and as the fallout of their taking, destruction is all they bring to the table.

A Sociopath Can Be Anywhere: The Park, A Party, at Work

Because pathological users are anywhere we might be, we need to learn how to recognize them. Their real power when you think about it is that we can’t recognize them and so not be affected by them.

Sociopaths exist in every social, regional, and economic realm. Most crave riches with insatiable desire. Paradoxically they can handle living in a box on the side of the road until the next target with a nice warm nest comes along. Why…? It’s the result of having no emotional connection to things, people, or places.

Without any emotional connection aside from holding someone up to measure if that person – seen as an object – fits into their needs – and every one of us has something they need – sociopaths are isolated and isolating in their effect.

Pathological Parasites Are Anywhere We Might Be

Predatory parasites dwell in trailer parks in Wyoming, on ski slopes in the Alps, in board rooms across the world, within the profiles of online dating sites, at church, in bars and clubs, in the grocery store, at the dog park.

Sociopaths hunt prey in the workplace, on Facebook, in chat forums, at a party. We can meet them at the grocery store, in line at the post office, getting gas or through friends.

It’s said one-in-25 people are sociopaths and are either male or female. We’ve all heard the phrase: hiding in plain sight. We’ve got to change how we “see” – our “sight” – they’re plain as day.

20 Characteristics of a Sociopath

  1. Fun, charming, and entertaining. Super polite when meeting new people
  2. Display impressive knowledge or skill at something. This proves to be limited or fake
  3. Have a primal perception as far as what concerns us, what we need, and depend upon; this is used to make false promises, to make deals, and to blackmail
  4. Are easily offended. They fluster and bluster when offended and lash out
  5. Lie about all things – except those odd moments they tell the truth
  6. Believe they’re better than everyone. Express misogynistic, racist, homophobic, or other prejudice and hatred
  7. Crave a good reputation
  8. Crave status, power, possessions, money, yet exist at any level of society
  9. Have delusions of fame and importance, though they might live in the Metro station
  10. Mimic our authentic emotions and social mannerisms as best they can
  11. Have no capacity for care, concern, or love, though it sometimes seems they do
  12. Think of themselves as victims and can cry fake tears at the drop of a hat
  13. Are sexually promiscuous and often simultaneously avoid sex with a primary prey; someone they’ve put in place as a primary “partner”
  14. Do any horrible, illegal, or immoral thing they want to do and to absolutely anyone.
  15. Think their prey (partners, spouses, girlfriends, etc.) should be grateful
  16. Take pride in their scams and run several scams simultaneously
  17. Believe everyone deserves whatever it is that they do to them
  18. Smear their targets and prey; loudly, publicly, online in court
  19. Have outbursts of rage, that can be physically violent.
  20. All of them know they are monsters; they are proud of it and enjoy it.

There’s Much More

Since their state of mind is based on the limited and abnormal brain that makes someone a sociopath, there are more characteristics that are identical sociopath to sociopath.

You wouldn’t be the only one to discover porn, beyond porn – and their participation in shocking sexual practices. They avoid paying taxes, skip paying child maintenance altogether in cases of divorce, and cheat at absolutely everything. Even if they seem successful career-wise, you’ll find they don’t do their own work if you scratch the surface. Even with seemingly legit employment they ultimately live off of others’ lives, others’ efforts, finances, respectability, and magnanimity.

Discovering the Reality of a Sociopath is Trauma in Itself

In the world of psychology, they’re called antisocial psychopaths, or sociopaths. And lately as having an antisocial personality disorder. This newer contemporary term diminishes the damage they do and casts them in the light of hapless wrong-doer.

They’re not innocents suffering from a disorder. They know they cause harm. With pleasure and pride, they do terrible things to people. – Another delay in finding what we’re really facing is getting hung up on terminology and ideas of “narcissists”.

Bragadocious: Sociopaths Talk a Lot, a Super-de-Duper Lot

Sociopaths can’t help themselves from bragging. They like to chatter about the things they do. . These elaborate boasts represent their made-up life. It’s all lies. The traits and tricks of a sociopath never waver.

They’re consistent with all their prey whether in pursuit for ten days or we’re captive for ten years or 30 years. It’s the same for each of us from the first “hello”, to the way they break up with us.

In popular culture, movies, and books sociopaths are referred to as con artists or con men. In real life, they are strictly Mr. Hyde with a very shallow cover of Dr. Jekyll.

Lies Are Real, And Real Made Up

Sociopaths lie easily. Lying is normal for them. They feel no guilt or shame about lying. If one lie doesn’t work they whip out another one. They know they lie. For the pathological, lies make up what’s real, and real is made up. How’s that for mind-bending?

Since they are not connected to the world, to their own life to anything through emotions in the way that we are, sociopaths forget what they say one moment to another moment, and can only manage the moment in front of them.

Consequently, we can lie to them, they can know that we’re probably lying, and yet, they act on the lie as if it’s the truth.

Lying is Due to Their Pathology

The sociopath (or that person you might be calling a narcissist) lies in a way that’s called “pathological”. This means that lying comes as a result of their brain. In other words, they can’t not lie. They do not get better or change.

They make off-handed comments that reveal their inner workings. Knowing the characteristics of a sociopath exposes them for what they are and includes eventually, being able to see them as boring and even laughable.

At this point in time in the history of humankind, there is no known “cure.” They wouldn’t want to “get better” or “be better” if they could. They enjoy every minute of what they are. They adore themselves while knowing full well that they’re monsters.

The sociopath’s ruse is deception upon deception. Since people are seen as objects, they are disposable to the sociopath. It’s hard to say, but not all allow their prey to live to tell the tale.

Dr. Deborah Ettel, Phd Psychology

There’s Nothing a Sociopath Won’t Do

The characteristics of a sociopath include pride in the things they do. They consider nabbing prey an achievement. They’re boastful and feel great, and an exaggerated gleeful accomplishment in scamming, lying, taking, stealing, using, and worse.

Remember the exciting, exhilarating start to all the mess? Recall when they have that grin…and are sparked and energized? – It’s an exhibit of the glee and sense of pride they feel for capturing you.

They make off-handed comments that reveal their inner workings. Knowing the characteristics of a sociopath exposes them for what they are and includes eventually, being able to see them as boring and even laughable. Only when we don’t recognize them or we believe them do we find ourselves ensnared.

Power of Influence: Truth and Lies

In these flashing moments of truth our heads spin. The truth always stands out. But in the confusing, bizarre world of the con, actual truth only cuts a fleeting crack in the lunacy and looks like lunacy itself.

A sociopath’s influence has us doubt the truth, and be soothed by their lie. Sociopaths influence us in such a way, that it’s natural for us to defend and protect their lies.

It’s All Traumatic

All in all, anytime we spent in the presence of a sociopath, wasn’t what we thought it was. There’s never any mutual moment aside from maybe sitting down to eat because both of us want a good dinner.

Any limbic-brained person in the presence of a sociopath in any dynamic such as a personal relationship of love, of family members, of neighbor and neighbor or boss and employee or coworker… they all involve sustained trauma and harm and a period of PTSD in the aftermath.

Why they’re at dinner with us, is not the same reason we’re at dinner with them. We were targeted and hijacked for the sociopath’s own use.

We Can Recover After Breaking Up with a Narcissistic Sociopath

The most devastating thing a sociopath creates is disunity. Disunity from self and from others we love…from others in general. Even a sense of separation from others we don’t know shrouds us as our life shuts down and closes into a very small thing centered on them and appeasing them. We end up in a spinning place of off-kilter confusion, more than walking on eggshells.

Like any normal human would without positive connection and unity, in isolation and separation we get lost. We can bring ourselves back. We reunite with ourselves, with all and everyone around us. Recovering from this trauma takes non-judgemental support and encouragement.

With accurate and true information and understanding of what a sociopath is – and what we are as gorgeous, loving humane, human beings, we can heal and get our lives back. We can trust again, laugh again, and love again.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

Answers to every question, and then some!

Have a listen: Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

SD Voyager interview

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