The Dirt Bag Gave Us Herpes

Narcs, narcissists…
Sociopaths care so little (meaning not at all)
and take so much.
They take our things but leave things behind, like herpes.
There is help and hope.

Herpes brings a heart-breaking and emotional huge hit… And it always means: someone gave us herpes. And here we’re talking about yet another piece of our lives that changes because of these dirt-bag predator sociopaths… A gift that keeps on giving.

These losers ignore our birthdays but leave behind the gift of their old junk, disaster, despair, confusion… and STIs. We can and must throw away their pieces of trash and the rubble of old guitars and weird sex toys, resolve our losses and truly heal and recover all the way.

Sooooo Many People Have Herpes: For Reals

sociopaths and STDs

While herpes isn’t exactly cocktail party conversation it’s a good bet at least one in every six people standing there sipping a mai-tai or an Aperol spritz has herpes. Look around at work and count off six people. One of them has it.

Do the same with your family and relatives or a group of friends. – They might not be talking about it, but they’re dealing with it. – Oh, and that flat-mate with a cold sore…? That’s herpes.

Herpes comes along with feelings of shame and sadness. You’re not alone in thinking you’re ruined or “damaged goods”.

Pretty much anyone who contracts herpes goes through this. And it feels so bad when we’re sick with it. – My idea is that we can put this shame and self-devaluing aside in favor of a little more logic and calm and self-compassion.

What is Herpes?

Herpes is a virus. The first time we get sick from it feels a lot like the flu – only kinda worse. There’s no throwing up, but you might run a fever and have a horrible headache.

Herpes affects our emotions big-time. We feel depressed, exhausted, worn out, sad, hopeless, lethargic, unable to think, can’t focus – cause yah, we’re sick, and we feel just super bad.

Sound familiar? These are a lot like post-trauma emotions. Yikes. – Go to bed. Sleep. Don’t think about serious things or try to make any decisions at this time. Chill. Grab your Teddy bear.

Breaking Up With Evil

Breaking Up with Evil, by Jennifer Smith on Amazon and Good Reads

Breaking Up with Evil: Escaping Coercive Control on Amazon

Five women’s true stories of being ensnared hauled through the confusion, lies, fear, and pain, and breaking away.

Told in their own words, they leave nothing unsaid. Find validation and see new glimpses of the truth as they share their stories… Stories that could be any of ours.

How Do You Get Herpes?

The key thing is, herpes is passed from contact with someone else’s herpes outbreak. Yep and yuck. There’s no way to get it or give it aside from body-to-body contact.

Though, they do warn that herpes can come along and hop on over to our place in someone’s bodily fluids and saliva making condoms our friend. we know male sociopaths usually refuse to wear condoms. We know they lie about anything and everything, we know they don’t care. So.

For sure, It does not come from toilet seats or locker room floors. It doesn’t come from sharing a hairbrush or by hugging.

Narcissistic Abuse Unwound

Two Types of Herpes

Herpes comes in two versions: Herpes I and Herpes II. – The essential difference is one of them is on the face the other is in our underpants. The first one, around the mouth, is commonly called a “cold sore”.

Even babies can have them because even a baby can get herpes if say, an adult or older kid with herpes sore on their mouth kisses the baby. I have a friend who innocently and at first unknowingly gave her baby Herpes Simplex Virus I just this way.

Herpes II is more adult. It goes on when we get down to it while one of us has an active herpes outbreak. Intercourse or soft skin such as tongues making contact with a herpes blister or sore transmits the virus.

Saliva and bodily fluids are said to pass the virus from one person to another as well. – And we get it immediately, like in a few days from contact. There’s just no way that nasty little painful, blister thingy is not going to be passed along.

What does herpes look like? Click here. Sorry, it’s yucky.

When Is Herpes Contagious?

Herpes is most contagious when sores are open and wet when fluid from the herpes blisters is oozing. Here’s the little-known factoid: herpes can also “shed” and get passed to others when there are no sores and your skin looks totally normal.

It’s now known, that people can get herpes from saliva rather than someone who’s an active sore. For some people, the virus can live in your body for years without exhibiting symptoms.

So, it could be really hard to know when you got it or who gave it to you. But let’s be real: we know. We know.

The herpes virus is pretty sneaky just like the dirtbag. The virus dies fast-fast outside the body – holding hands, coughing, and sneezing doesn’t pass it. – It is though, part of the chickenpox and shingles family.

What to Do If We Get Herpes

Sadly, herpes is a virus that then lives in our body – forever. We may not have break-outs forever or be sick from it forever. Really. As time goes by the virus can become dormant and not bug us at all! Truly!

And guess what…? The statistics say that one in six people has herpes. That’s only the people who have reported it to a doctor or gone to a doctor for a diagnosis. So, between you and me, don’t-cha-think this figure is likely a bit higher? – In my test group of six, three had herpes. Seriously, I polled friends.

We Can Suppress the Herpes Virus

There are a few ways to suppress the herpes virus. It hibernates somewhere in the base of our spine where it nestles after we’ve contracted it.

There are three highly recommended ways to reduce how often we get sick from herpes and to help suppress the virus into remission.

There’s also traditional western chemical medicine. Sometimes a combo of all this may be preferred. Some report feeling iller from the chemical drugs prescribed by an M.D. than from the actual outbreak of herpes. You decide.

  • By what we eat and don’t eat.
  • With specific supplements.
  • Homeopathic medicine is an incredibly powerful and deep method.
  • Chemical antiviral drugs: Valtrex and others from medical doctor’s prescriptions

What is Homeopathic Medicine? Great Question!

Homeopathic medicine is amazing. Homeopathy causes our bodies, spirits, and minds to heal. – It causes our bodies to remember perfect health. Each remedy has many uses.

Each remedy has more than one ailment it can address. Every single remedy is made from a single natural compound such as platinum, or a cashew nut or from a spider or a tree bark.

Homeopathy is the main form of medicine practiced in the U.K., New Zealand, Australia and Brazil, Germany, France, and throughout western Europe. It was founded and established by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Germany in the 1800s.

Amazing Facts About Homeopathy

  • Queen Elizabeth had a Royal Homeopathic Doctor, I suspect King Charles kept them on
  • Prince Philip of England supports homeopathy as preventative and curative health care
  • Homeopathy is outrageously inexpensive. As in very low-cost medical care
  • Homeopathy is virtually free of side-effects
  • You can self-prescribe for their own condition or soemone else’s
  • Or you can go to a classical homeopathic doctor
  • You can go to school to become a homeopathic doctor
  • Homeopathy can eliminate a condition altogether rather than only treat symptoms

Where Can You Get Homeopathic Remedies?

You can find homeopathic remedies in a limited range at Whole Foods, other natural health stores, and anyone can order any remedy of any dosage or strength from Hahnemann Labs in the Bay Area in the USA.

Treating Herpes with Homeopathy

For genital herpes, some commonly used homeopathic remedies are Nitric acid, Thuja Occidentalis, Causticum, Medorrhinum, Silica.

Here’s a recommended round of remedies, from Josette Calabrese, to be taken once or twice each for up to three days at the outset of a herpes break-out to stop it, reduce the severity and ultimately suppress the herpes virus for good.

The camphor is first in the cycle and has the effect of clearing the outbreak and essentially clear the slate. Here’s Josette Calabrese’s article about homeopathy for treating herpes.

How to Take a Homeopathic Remedy

  • 15 minutes before and after taking a homeopathic remedy don’t eat or drink anything
  • Turn the tube upside down
  • Twist the cap until 5 – 6 balls fall into the cap
  • Drop the balls under your tongue without touching the inside of the cap
  • Let them melt under your tongue until they’re completely dissolved
By the way – we can take homeopathic Arnica 30c or 200 for the ptsd in the aftermath as well. And then anytime we experience shock, trauma, loss grief, go for a surgery or are wounded. – Hey, Olympic athletes take arnica orally -as well as in topical form – when they break or sprain or pull something, and cosmeti surgeons in Los Angeles advise taking it pre-op for healing and to stop excess bleeding. I’ve had one medical doctor mention that arnica can raise blood pressure. AS with any thing we’re ingesting: Do your own research.

Two Articles on Homeopathy

Antiviral Tablets from a Regular Old M.D. for Herpes

There are chemical antiviral medications by prescription only from a regular western medical doctor. We call the kind of treatments and principles behind western medical M.D.’s allopathic medicine. This medication for anyone without insurance is going to cost a bit, and it’s packed with side effects and the effect of making some people feel sicker. Hmm. Find what works for you.

Suppressing the Herpes Virus With Diet

The virus is suppressed by L-Lysine and can come to the surface and activate with too much Arginine. Lysine and Arginine are amino acids, an element of proteins naturally occurring in foods.

Foods to Avoid: Arginine Foods Can Activate Genital Herpes

  • Popcorn
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Whole grains: oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat, etc.
  • Peanuts
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Legumes, all beans, peas, lentils, green beans, garbanzo beans
  • Chocolate
  • Jello
  • Turkey
  • Pork Loin
  • More than a tablespoon of spirulina a day, often found in protein drink mixes

Foods That Reduce and Suppress Herpes Out Breaks

  • Yogurt
  • Cheeses
  • Eggs
  • Apples, mangoes, apricots, pears, beets, avocados, tomatoes, apricots, pears, figs, and papaya
  • Fish
  • Beef
  • Seafood
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts and all nuts aside from peanuts (which are really legumes rather than a nut)
  • Green leafy things: Spinach, Chard, Kale, Watercress and other green veggies
  • Cruciferous veggies: Broccoli, Baby Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage
  • Brewer’s yeast a supplement or powdered brewer’s yeast to and add to foods

Supplements That Reduce and Suppress the Herpes Virus

Self-Care For Treating Herpes and Recovering When We Have an Outbreak

Additionally, always:

  • Drink tons of water
  • Add 1 tablespoon of Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in a full 8oz. glass of water every day
  • Here’s an Amazon link for the best raw, organic Apple Cider Vinegar by Bragg’s, and you can get this for between $6 and $8 at Whole Foods or other markets
  • Add one half or whole fresh squeezed lemon to a full 8oz. glass of water, daily
  • Get good sleep regularly
  • Avoid sugar and packaged and processed food
  • Walk, do yoga, swim, hike, bicycle… nice and gentle exercise

And especially during outbreaks sleep, sleep, and sleep and:

  • Avoid stress – skip watching the news
  • Dodge things that make you sad during outbreaks, sad music, nostalgia, sentimental thinking, and emotionalism
  • Side-step conflicts, confrontations, and upsetting things
  • Save making serious decisions for another day when you feel well again

Hope this helps!

These Scum Bags Are Nothing but Scum

So – this is another reality that hits some of us from these hijackings. There’s so much to understand, and manage, new ways to think about what went on, and lots of health care that never crossed our radar before from extreme weight loss, weight gain, PTSD, candida, and yeast infections… Geez-Louise.

You can do it. We can win. You’re human: gorgeous inside and out and imperfectly perfect. Carry on. Embrace your life with compassion. Love yourself. Time to thrive.

Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!

Time to Thrive!

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As a certified coach, upholding industry standards I strive to inform, educate, invite thought and dialogue, to co-plan, co-strategize, advise, consult, refer, recommend, train, teach, guide and coach people in guided recovery and discovery specific to these crimes, and from hell and broken in the aftermath to whole again, and more. You decide what winning is.

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