What is “recovered” after broken?
Determine your outcome and what winning is for you.
You can become user-proof forever.
What is Recovery and Restoration for You?
It may not seem so, but did you know that in the aftermath of the predatory entrapment, all the narcissistic abuse, every drop of coercive control, after all the lies, and deception, the pillaging of your life, possessions, and soul… that you’re the one with all the power?
Sessions with me are about minimizing them, shrinking them to their rightful place of insignificance as you maneuver them from your life and bones.
You’re far from alone. There are hundreds, upon hundreds of women – and men – going through the same hell, and hundreds of those have been supported and guided out of it in sessions with me.

Everything you’re feeling is normal; normal, but not permanent. There’s hope, choices, and freedom… Let me show you.
This is recovery like no other.
You’re going to win in this in a surprising and unexpected way. You get to write the ending to this story. Let’s turn the tables.
You’re not alone.
Together we step right into wherever it is you are. We begin with your thoughts, feelings, circumstances, and beliefs about your circumstances and situation. You tell me whatever you like and we sort through every bit that you’d like to until you’re standing firmly where you want to be. – Know right now, there’s nothing about you that made this happen.
We each decide what winning is. Your definition of what recovered is, is up to you. I know what I determined it to be for me. The same level of restoring my life and thriving, that I made my personal promise and goal, is what I hope for others; it’s what I offer.
In my mind, real and full recovery is for the courageous and strong. Surely, this describes you!
Puzzle pieces you didn’t know existed
fall into place.
I encourage you to book sessions sooner rather than later.
The earlier, the more beneficial to the outcomes of everything you’re facing.
What we do in sessions allows you to maneuver this perpetrator away.
Sessions with me are about getting your life back!
I absolutely understand everything feels immediately critical, unfamiliar,
and overwhelming and all while in trauma.
These sessions change all that!
What we do in sessions resizes the trauma,
shrinks the ominous loom of any upcoming court or legal issues,
explains what *they* are doing, and slides them
into near insignificance as we extricate them from your life and
we flow into recovering and restoring you!
These creatures are simplistic simpletons.
You are the one with all the power, sessions bring it.
What is a coaching session like?
Every session is unique. No two sessions are alike. Not any two that you’ll have nor any like any other persons. This is because the dialogues and coaching are based on where you are, who you are, and are inspired by your needs, your personality, and what’s important to you.
First sessions are best at two hours in length.
Sessions are a combination of questions, information, dialogue, guidance, techniques offered, methods for healing aspects of the trauma, and coaching. Together we unwind the tangled mess and map your way out of the emotional, mind-bending maze, and shift into the future you deserve and desire.
Once you’ve decided to embark on this path of recovery, when you select your sessions hours and make a fee payment, you’ll receive an intake form – answer the questions you’d like to answer. There’s a coaching agreement that includes our agreement of mutual confidentiality, and then we begin!
As a certified coach, and as someone who’s lived through this nightmare and won, recovery sessions are a guided journey from where you are to building a deep recovery.
Together we build your roadmap out of hell.
Session notes and summaries become a reminder and guide.
As the weeks go on with continued
and consistent sessions, you can:
- Tell your story
- Feel heard for maybe the first time
- Feel validation
- Calm and acceptance
- Know more than you did before the session
- Take away a practical action or tool for restoring your life
- Session notes to use as a guide for healing and tasks to manage your situation
- Move from, I can’t believe it, to a profound understanding of what went on
- Discover shifts in perspective
- Clear confusion
- Missing pieces will fall into place
- A freeing and broadened vantage point and view of your experience
- Ultimately, you’ll know exactly what went on and know it wasn’t because of you
- Take in a real and accurate ability to decipher a sociopath’s (the “narcissist’s”) motivation and thinking
- Understand their actions from their genuine point of view
- Develop a vantage point that changes the dynamics
- Heal from truth rather than confusion
- Misleading beliefs and misconceptions about what happened break away
- Shift to hope and a future based in truth
- Realize how amazing you are
- Gain an actual and real understanding of your behavior as neuro-normal
- Know your emotions are normal and your feelings are the material we heal from
- Understand that we are not responsible for their actions
- See yourself for how incredible you are
- Discover goals and begin steps to attain them
- Truly recognize that you were not the problem
- If you feel sorry for them, this will shift to support for your own life
- Unseen realizations of empathy, and appreciation for yourself
- Self-blame dissipates
- Guilt dissolves
- Place compassion where it belongs along with new wisdom
- Go no contact if you have not already done so
- Naturally stop looking at their social media
- With conviction, remove anyone detrimental from your life
- Think of them less and less
- Use the memories to transform your experience
- See a reality that brings answers
- Feel freedom and healing rise
- Resolve losses
- Mourn and grieve
- Trust your life again
- True yourself and your judgement
- Trust others again
- Self doubts ease and vanish
- Confidence increases
- Become user-proof forever
- Feel natural forgiveness if this is your goal
- Turn hell to benefit for yourself and your life
- Know how to spot a pathological user before they can grip you
- Restore physical health
- Understand the dips and the ebb and flow of recovery
- Feel less anxious
- Sleep better
- Reduce and end nightmares
- Fear will diminish and end
- Address and get to resolving health imbalances the trauma has created
- Address legal concerns
- Understand that you must decide what winning is for you
- Create your win; financial, and real or personal property
- Plan to protect your children
- You and your attorney; how to communicate your goals clearly
- Learn how attorneys think and how to present information to them
- Undertake gathering evidence; what, and how to format and why
- Courtroom protocol and your behavior there
- Get an understanding of what a court case involves
- Understand court and it’s purpose and limits
- Realize what a Judge needs
- Begin to recognize where a Judge’s decisions come from
- Win! Heal and restore your gorgeous life and thrive in the future you choose
- You’ve always been okay
- The future is hope-filled and has limitless possibility
What is recovery and restoration for you?
This could be the single most significant choice you make toward your restoration and getting your life back.
You decide what winning is…
For dedicated recovery immersion, in a fixer package option click here.
Book a Six-Pack: Six 1-Hour Sessions at a 25% reduction on the hourly rate! Normally $750 yours for $562. For consistency taking you well into the clear, into a space of freedom purchase a six-pack at a 25% reduction from regular hourly rates. Here’s the PayPal link to your six-pack!
Here’s to REAL True Love and Happiness!
Time to Thrive!

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