Tag Archives: holidays and sociopathic control

Solo Holidays: Post Apocalyptic Break Up

Solo holidays starkly, sharply illuminate
the post-shit-show
aloneness we’re sitting right in the middle of.
Yes, it’s better now that its over,
but the PTSD and reality of “now” makes for
less than cozy solo holidays if
sorrow takes hold of us.

So, the breakup happened. You’re on your own. This means that solo holidays are here. Looming-ominous since a few weeks ago, now it’s really just right here. The day of Hanukah. Christmas Eve. Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day… And holy heck before we know it: Valentine’s Day.

Everyone’s walking around smiling and aiming arrows at our hearts and souls with sparkly, effervescent, Happy Holidays!!! If it makes you wanna punch ’em, rest assured you’re not alone in this sentiment.

And if one more clerk at Trader Joe’s says: What are you doing for the Holidays?… I catch myself thinking, to the moon, to the moon, Alice. – Well, I can’t let myself feel so bad over some made-up days mid-winter. Or mid anything. Ever.

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