Tag Archives: narcissism

Valentine’s Day and Gaslighting

Valentine’s Day is on the way! There’s nothing we can do to hold it back, but hold on to your heart and your reason, because here comes that made-up BS holiday when we potentially could lose both. Before you get sentimental and break no contact, maybe read this bit here…

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PTSD After a Sociopath

Weeping in despair, grief. Confusion.
A shattered life. Depression and self doubt. Isolation.
This heap of feelings and thoughts and questions
are the beginning of restoration.

We can heal even the PTSD after a sociopath or what many call a narcissist. It includes emotions rolling over us in grand sweeps and simmering cess pools. These turn to feelings and thoughts that are untrue. There’s a is terror in PTSD others around can’t us usually can’t understand… We might not understand it ourselves.

You owe it to yourself to realize what this PTSD is, how it shows up, how to heal and rebalance yourself, and that it’s okay to be in a sate of post truama so that we can restore our gorgeous selves.

Altogether it’s loneliness and fears and doubts that are not the new you but can seem like it. There are many signs of PTSD, but the initial stages are most described by one word.

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